I have a small offer. Add a few buttons on the Dopesheet that would not keep the graph panel open.This is what I constantly apply to keys. I apologize for my English - this is not my native language.
I have a small offer. Add a few buttons on the Dopesheet that would not keep the graph panel open.This is what I constantly apply to keys. I apologize for my English - this is not my native language.
=) Most wanted spine feature +++
Just another +1
+1, the current GE has been my biggest gripe with Spine, to get smooth loops feels like complete guesswork at times.
Separate X/Y keyframing +1
Graph Editor +1
Thank you to the dev for working on this. +1 to show support and look forward to the improved graph! :clap:
Another +1 for the graph editor. Any updates? This would be a game-changer for us.
I AM SO READY FOR THIS TO DROP <3 It feels like we're almost there! Hang in there team!
Any updates on the curve editor?
We are getting there! It has taken a lot of effort to clear out everything we need to so we can release a big new feature like this. I'm very sorry for the wait!
Please correct graph editor . Any updates on the curve editor?. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It is coming, promise!
This is my most wanted feature for YEARS =)
Nate ha scrittoIt is coming, promise!
Hello, will we have the ability to auto weight right and left tangents of the key by default (similarly like Unity editor does)(preferably as an option because someone still wants robotic animations with linear interpolation)?
For now, it seems like just any default animation made in unity looks more natural than in Spine2D((
Thanks for skin bones in 3.8 but full graph editor is the more fundamental feature and I guess you should really focus on this one do not delay it until version 4.0 (or at least give us a preview)
Also, you are saying for 3 years that it is your next feature to implement but still there is no preview of that. And this feature is stoping me to upgrade to Spine pro license (and I am not the only one)
I would bare for graph view but I need the option for keys being auto weighted on both sides by default to have a natural look.
I hope it will happen At least at 4.0.
@TextusGames, it's something we ourselves have really been wanting to get implemented for a long time, but it had to be put off for good reason. Nate said it best in a different thread
Nate ha scrittoSorry! This is killing me inside. There were so many low hanging fruit features that greatly improve workflows and general quality of life. Individually they are small and it makes sense to get them done because people are suffering. Together they are a significant effort that distracts from the larger effort curve editor features. We are working on the curve editor though and it will happen. 3.8 puts us in a good place and releasing the curve editor next makes sense.
But the graph editor is in the works now, promise! Hopefully it won't be super long before we can show a preview of it.
@Shiu, Thanks.
I actually think you programm is made with love and is the best for game 2d graphic.
I do understand now that graph editor will eventually come and I hope it will be soon) .
But will it allow an option for setting default interpolation for keys like auto-weighted tangents on both side(like in unity)?
If information about this feature will be available please post here.
Or do I need to create separate thread as a feature request about it?
It's too early for me to go into detail on what will be possible in the new graph editor. Once we have a working beta, we can start talking about additional features
Ok, see you at beta time then)
Hi guys, looking forward to the graph editor!
I wonder if there are any plans with the proposed improved animation editor to do with easing / inbetweening? There is a nifty tool in Maya called tweenmachine that lets you 1) key an inbetween, then 2) you drag a slider to favour either the keyframe on the left or the right.
Here's a video I found of a guy playing with it.
I would find this super helpful in my anim workflow, I know pretty much all Maya animators use this script or something similar to speed things up!
<3 <3 <3