• Editor
  • [Request] A switch to Maya's graph editor

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Hrm... I'll have to play with it more I guess... see if I can make it work for me w/o it being too frustrating.

FWIW, having to do this kind of manual curve adjustment for every new keyframe really slows down my workflow.

Any chance you could automatically make the curve smooth into each other like Unity's "Auto" keyframe curve setting? It's not perfect, but it really does get you to a good base that you can tweak easily. Rather than having to tweak as you go. Just a thot.


That could be an interesting feature, though I worry changing the tangents in neighboring curves that you can't see could be surprising (even when it can be toggled on/off). It makes most sense when you can see the changes.

4 giorni dopo

Hi guys,
sorry if I repeat the same topic again, but ability to set keys as a besier/contiues and control them throughout the animation key on "both sides" is for me something basic in animation software. I'm animating in 3d for 20 years and I'm new to 2d. Spine was suggested to me as one of the best 2d anim softs, but unability to see the whole timeline as a curve is really big problem for me.
Do you have any estimates for implementing this feature?


It's the next feature on our list of things to implement. Could take weeks, could take months, hard to say at this point in time I'm afraid.

21 giorni dopo

+1 for Curve Editor.

I am pulling my hair out trying to work within the current system. When you are used to being able to fully visualize and edit data in this fashion, it's truly painful to try to get the same results without.

From a business point of view, this is a serious barrier to us being able to create quality character animation efficiently. If a competitor product becomes available that has a true curve editor with workable run-time, we would switch without hesitation. Just underscoring the urgency we feel about this.

Spine 3.7 will feature audio and then we will start implementing a fully fledged graph editor. It's coming! 🙂

  • Modificato
Shiu ha scritto

Spine 3.7 will feature audio and then we will start the ! 🙂

Yay! Shiu, that sounds great and I can't wait for the graph editor. Thanks!

Shiu ha scritto

Spine 3.7 will feature audio and then we will start implementing a fully fledged graph editor. It's coming! 🙂

+1 - Can't wait, Thanks!!!

8 mesi dopo

Really hope it will be here soon.
A functioning Graph Editor is probably the most important feature missing right now, from an animator's perspective at least. I work as an animator at a game studio, where we have mainly worked in 3d. But for a new project we have chosen to work in a 2d style so I have been giving Spine a test drive, and I have to say it's an awesome tool, except for not having a decent curve editor.

Rejoice, as a better graph editor is the next in line on the Spine roadmap!

I was just about to post something similar. I'm glad to see there is already a thread about it.

Failing a full graph editor, it would also be handy to be able to key X and Y separately. It helps a lot when making circular motions (which are just about everywhere in animation)... the x and y keys go between each other rather than simultaneously and you put a flat curve at the top and bottom of each.

When the editor forces you to key both simultaneously it makes it hard to get a smooth circle.

We're excited about the curve editor too! 🙂

@AxiomVerge, we have always planned to allow keying X and Y separately, but seem to be continuously sidetracked with other things. You can see the task for it (and other things) here:
#26 Key X and Y translation separately
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As a workaround to keying X and Y separately, you could use 2 bones where one is the child of the other. You'd move one on X and the other on Y. It's certainly not as convenient though.

Nate ha scritto

As a workaround to keying X and Y separately, you could use 2 bones where one is the child of the other. You'd move one on X and the other on Y. It's certainly not as convenient though.

Yeah, that is what I ended up doing this time...

un mese dopo

This is the feature i want to see added in spine the most! So nice/helpful for identifying problematic areas in your animation.

Give us a heads up when even a beta of this is available =P

un mese dopo

Back from the dead again! I wonder if there is an ETA an this or the separate X/Y keyframing. Trying to see if I can get away with using only 1 bone for a circle animation by mid June.

A Curve Editor sounds amazing! I'm really looking forward to use it.

I, however, have a question. Is the new editor going to replace the old one?

All I want is not to lose the ability to edit several key frames at the same time, it's the only one thing I think the current editor is superior to any other I've used before. In curve editors it's not as easy as it is in Spine to change a lot of different transformations regardless of the actual information, most of them doesn't even let change more than one curve.

AxiomVerge ha scritto

I wonder if there is an ETA an this or the separate X/Y keyframing. Trying to see if I can get away with using only 1 bone for a circle animation by mid June.

No ETA for that yet, sorry!

scardario ha scritto

Is the new editor going to replace the old one?

The curve editor will be a separate view and the dopesheet will remain available. I agree that both have their advantages!

3 mesi dopo

Hi. This issue is over two years old. Can you give us a realistic ETA on it? There are many lovely things about Spine, but the lack of full curve editing, including separate X,Y keys is really slowing down my workflow.

We are finishing up 3.7 now and the curve editor will be in 3.8. I'm afraid I can't give a date, only that we agree it is lacking and is the next thing we will focus on.