The forum has been a bit of a lul lately, there has only ever been 3 active members, me, pharan and mitch. myself being the newest person to the forum.

they are busy doing something with spine V3.

but yeah I don't really know why

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I hope not, I just got it!

Hi All I am new and I am introducing myself in this death topic.

16 giorni dopo

I'm considering buying two pro licenses but have noticed that the project development activity has stopped abruptly in April (based on changelog activity and the blog). I have downloaded the trial and I like it so far, but I definitely don't want to purchase a product which is no longer supported.
Is the project still under development? If so, are there any estimates on the next release?

Yeah, I have no clue what is happening either. Website seems somewhat abandoned. I.e. staff only logging in one day a week to answer one post :/, not like the good ol' days

As far as I know they are developing v3.0 which is a pretty major update, however I thought that they got over the major issues that where delaying release. Apparently not 🙁

Sorry for the lack of updates. We were in the groove and very productive for a long time, years, but have had a number of interruptions lately which combine to make progress very slow: support volume, expanding the team, illness, personal issues, burnout, vacation, family issues. I live in Croatia but right now I'm in Seattle to be with family. I am working on Spine here, but it's not terribly comfortable. I'll be back home in 3.5 weeks, after which I plan to renew dedication to Spine and get back in the groove. 3.0 is mostly ready, but I hesitate to do a big release when I don't feel I have the bandwidth and focus to properly handle things that may go wrong.

We are not death. 😉 Spine is life! We are not giving up on it any time soon. I promise we will be back in force soon.

We are not death! Long live Nate and Spine! and Moo!

Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

7 giorni dopo

I heard spine consume the death with fireballs from his eyes, and lighting bolts from his arse

This is true.

Hi Nate,

That sounds great to work on the 3.0 release of Spine. We're very exciting to see that. As you've included a Texturepacker functionnality, will you make a brdige between Spine 3.0 and SpriteIlluminator ? That's an impressive work on the heap, no ? (to enhance 2D relief for sprites as a 3D visual aspect)

Good to ear about you Guy !

@Nate Glad to hear from you, thank you for the update! Keep on the great work and good luck with overcoming all the issues!

2 mesi dopo

This thread scared me. Spine quickly became one of my favorites and i totally hope using it for years.
Im checking this forum from time to time but mostly "Showcase" to see what other people did. I can't show my new stuff yet because our current project still in process.
Spine is amazing. Please do more awesome updates!

Hi all ,i just bought Spine last week after seeing a video about UBIART framework
and i got it ,i was working on anime studio and it was bad to work with
im happy with my purchase ,and you guys need a good ol marketing plan

thank you for your effort nate and team 😉