Doesn't work at all in inkscape 1.2.2, the scripts need to be updated.

- 23 lug 2023
- Si è iscritto 4 ott 2015
I haven't been using Spine for almost 6 years, but figured this issues is still not fixed. In addition, switching to Dvorak layout in Settings messes up the shortcuts entirely -- for example for Pose tool there's an entry in hotkeys-1.txt:
Pose Tool: N
However this doesn't work for neither N in Dvorak layout, nor for N in QWERTY. I expect it to work in Dvorak.
My current version: 4.1.23 Ess on MacOS 13.3.1- Modificato
- go to Settings
- switch keyboard layout to "Dvorak (US)"
- re-launch spine
- observe a popup saying "Duplicate actions for ..." errors when spine starts
I have examined the "hotkeys.txt" file under ~/Library/Application Support/Spine/ and indeed the keys that it complains about are duplicated. I have tried to remove "hotkeys.txt" manually but it seems that it generates the wrong file every time.
The log:
Spine Launcher 3.6.36 Mac OS X x86_64 10.11.6 Java 1.7.0_51 Esoteric Software 64-bit Server VM Up to date: Spine 3.6.37 Spine 3.6.37 Essential Licensed to: *****, ***** NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine 2.1 NVIDIA-10.10.14 310.42.25f02 Error reading hotkeys.txt file: Duplicate actions for Cmd+SLASH: Auto Scroll, Undo Duplicate actions for SLASH: Scroll To Selected, Shear Tool Duplicate actions for PERIOD: Next Skin, Translate Tool Started.
- Modificato
I'm evaluating spine trial version (3.6.06-beta) on Kubuntu 64-bit, everything goes smooth so far except for two things:If I maximize Spine window and switch to any other window, then go back
Spine window gets restored to its original (smaller) size
If I mouse-scroll inside the Dopesheet area the main editor area gets zoomed instead of the timeline. I have to place mouse cursor exactly on the row where frame numbers are displayed, in that case it zooms the timeline when I scroll. Not sure if it's a desired behavior or not, just feels a bit weird.
Based on the update hopefully they'll become more active soon.
I'm considering buying two pro licenses but have noticed that the project development activity has stopped abruptly in April (based on changelog activity and the blog). I have downloaded the trial and I like it so far, but I definitely don't want to purchase a product which is no longer supported.
Is the project still under development? If so, are there any estimates on the next release?