
  • 23 lug 2023
  • Si è iscritto 4 ott 2015
  • Doesn't work at all in inkscape 1.2.2, the scripts need to be updated.

  • I haven't been using Spine for almost 6 years, but figured this issues is still not fixed. In addition, switching to Dvorak layout in Settings messes up the shortcuts entirely -- for example for Pose tool there's an entry in hotkeys-1.txt:
    Pose Tool: N
    However this doesn't work for neither N in Dvorak layout, nor for N in QWERTY. I expect it to work in Dvorak.
    My current version: 4.1.23 Ess on MacOS 13.3.1

    • Modificato
  • Hi,

    1. go to Settings
    2. switch keyboard layout to "Dvorak (US)"
    3. re-launch spine
    4. observe a popup saying "Duplicate actions for ..." errors when spine starts

    I have examined the "hotkeys.txt" file under ~/Library/Application Support/Spine/ and indeed the keys that it complains about are duplicated. I have tried to remove "hotkeys.txt" manually but it seems that it generates the wrong file every time.

    The log:

    Spine Launcher 3.6.36
    Mac OS X x86_64 10.11.6
    Java 1.7.0_51 Esoteric Software
    64-bit Server VM
    Up to date: Spine 3.6.37
    Spine 3.6.37 Essential
    Licensed to: *****, *****
    NVIDIA Corporation
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine
    2.1 NVIDIA-10.10.14 310.42.25f02
    Error reading hotkeys.txt file:
    Duplicate actions for Cmd+SLASH: Auto Scroll, Undo
    Duplicate actions for SLASH: Scroll To Selected, Shear Tool
    Duplicate actions for PERIOD: Next Skin, Translate Tool
    • Modificato
  • Hi,
    I'm evaluating spine trial version (3.6.06-beta) on Kubuntu 64-bit, everything goes smooth so far except for two things:

    1. If I maximize Spine window and switch to any other window, then go back

      Spine window gets restored to its original (smaller) size

    2. If I mouse-scroll inside the Dopesheet area the main editor area gets zoomed instead of the timeline. I have to place mouse cursor exactly on the row where frame numbers are displayed, in that case it zooms the timeline when I scroll. Not sure if it's a desired behavior or not, just feels a bit weird.


  • Based on the update hopefully they'll become more active soon.

  • @Nate Glad to hear from you, thank you for the update! Keep on the great work and good luck with overcoming all the issues!

  • Hi!
    I'm considering buying two pro licenses but have noticed that the project development activity has stopped abruptly in April (based on changelog activity and the blog). I have downloaded the trial and I like it so far, but I definitely don't want to purchase a product which is no longer supported.
    Is the project still under development? If so, are there any estimates on the next release?