
  • 13 mag 2021
  • Si è iscritto 9 dic 2014
  • Nate ha scritto

    Yes, he needs a Spine Enterprise license to integrate the Spine Runtimes into any number of his software products.

    Thanks for the comprehensive answer!

  • Harald ha scritto

    Please note that if your client includes the spine-unity runtime (or any of the Spine Runtimes) in his product, he needs his own Spine license. Please see the license terms here:
    Spine Editor License Agreement: s2

    And it follows from this that he definitely must have the enterprise license, am I right?

  • I'm a freelancer and i have my own Pro licence of Spine.
    I'm selling my old work results such as spine export files (animation as json and textures) to my client. He is going to use it in one specific part of his project via free to download spine unity runtime. He has no access to spine original sources files and he can't make any changes to it. So he has no need to have any kind of spine editor licence.

    Sure my annual income way much less then 500 000 USD. But as i assume his whole company income could be about or more this amount of annual income.

    The question is does he need to have the enterprise licence on the moment he integrates this export assets or either do i need it myself?

    This concerns the topic of "runtime" just barely and indirectly but...

    Just wаnt this post to go up :upsidedown:

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  • Harald ha scritto

    No worries, thanks for searching! I don't think this has been asked before either! :nerd:
    Another much more practical way would be to use a RenderTexture. You would then render your Spine skeleton into the RenderTexture, and then project the texture onto your object. This is rather costly however, so you might want to keep it to a minimum.

    Oh man! Thnx a lot! It sounds like this render texture could be the very my salvation. I need just only one such character on a scene so that costly in my case seems to be acceptable. The only thing in this situation is the alpha. But we'll see.

  • hi man! Sorry for late answer. Just send me the stuff you've asked for me to understand what effect you particularly talking about

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  • I really hope i don’t ask something that has been asked here plenty of times before. Honestly, i've searched a lot!

    Currently I'm trying to use 2d face emotions on a 3d sphere sphere had in Unity. And I'm looking for the way to avoid sprite animation as it to costly to control and correct and also it's completely unflexible.
    So i wonder is any way to bend spine animation around this sphere or to project/mask animation on 3d mesh some how?

  • Pharan ha scritto

    The new AnimationState implementation in 3.5 should take care of the problem of lingering attachments that was present before which required that you key all sorts of weird things.

    it should, but not there yet. And working on projects that still on an old runtime version i need to close all this starts and ends manually(

    Pharan ha scritto

    The thing though is that you shouldn't key everything/you shouldn't key all visible slots. That will slow down your game tremendously.
    (I suppose that depends on the number of slots you have. At the very least, it's wasteful and makes your dopesheet less manageable)

    Yes, that's true, and i a clearly understand that. And that's why the main thing was idea of keying slot attachments on currently selected bones.

    Pharan ha scritto

    There's a hotkey for keying all the properties that already has keys, so you don't key things unless you need to.
    It's useful for saving/holding/copying poses.

    It doesn't work when you want to take one frame/pose (were for instance you have no this attachments keyed, but you need those default state keys) an drug to a different animation were those attachments keyed.
    And the same thing with draw order.

    Pharan ha scritto

    More info here: Spine: Cheat Sheet

    Tnx a lot but nothing new for me there - it's kinda bible for me 😃

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  • It's really handy to key all selected bones with hotkeys. And you've just added this new "Key Color" line that's also awesome! But i've found that if you need to key slot attachment state (in order to copy pose from animation to animation, or to restrict from mixing/blending animation in runtime etc.) there is no other way to do this than to pick and manualy key them in the tree.

    So i think it could be really handy to have a couple of lines in hotkeys such as

    • Key Slots Attachments - that keys all visible slots in skeleton, except backgrounded.
    • Key Selected Slots Attachments - that keys just slots on currently selected bones.

    Is it real, or i'm missing something?

  • WOOOOOO! Messing in mind trying to express how cool is it! Thank you so much for you work with breakdown!

  • badlogic ha scritto

    That looks amazing, especially given that you did not use meshes!

    So glad to hear that! Yeah, it took me awhile to find well fit setup for such engine constraints, and also those old scale inheriting. Eventually it made me stronger)))

    badlogic ha scritto

    Yes, we are looking into web-player stuff to more easily showcase Spine animations on the web. I'm currently rewriting the spine-js runtime to make that a LOT easier. Stay tuned!

    That sounds completely awesome!!! I have hundreds animations that i really want to show but it doesn't worth to go through all this each animation to png and than to gif thing. And there is no need to compare weight of all spine export files to gif))) So really can't wait for it!

    Erikari ha scritto

    Super big compliments, kanevsky, I love the style and I love how you animated everything! The section "showcase" of this forum is a great source of inspiration.
    bookmarks page

    Many thanks!
    And yes - it is, but still can't understand why so few projects in it...

  • Here are some animations i made with old version of Spine (2.1.07) for i-book.

    Unfortunately it's not the best showcase of Spine potential, because in this project i used no such a damn good Spine features like meshes. It has been made for self-made engine (have no idea what for) that has no mesh support in it.

    Now I became addicted with no way back to all that amazing new stuff you guys brought in it, so can't imagine me doing something like this 😃

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    Ones again - thank you guys for the Spine and all that unbelievable huge amount of work you do!
    I follow the updating since version 1.something.something and i'm really appreciated you for always being attentive to feature requests! I'm like human advertisement of your product and i'm pushing all my friends to become a adept of Spine sect, cause i'm in love with it!

    But guys, have you been thinking about some kinda Spine web-player to give your members ability not to shit all over the posts with damn gifs like i did? 😃 😃

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  • Thanks for this tip how to open multiple files at ones, it's really handy.
    I've found out this option to store numerous of skeletons in one spine file and use it alot but i really wondering will I ever have possibility to move parts of one my skeleton hierarchy to another skeleton?

  • BlackCapApps ha scritto

    Did you use your eyes to see the part that I wrote that it can be done animating attachments?
    If it's not what you are looking for, good luck waiting for Flash features in Spine.
    I'll enjoy them too.

    Sure 😃 I've read that you'd written and i know how to change pics that are related to a bone, that were previously drawn in other soft like photoshop. And it's definitely not the thing i'm looking for!
    And once again - I'm looking for the way to draw frames directly in spine while doing animation in the particular place I need, with particular size I need, with particular TIMING I need. Or you are really convinced that there is no deference between the way I'm talking and drawing frames somewhere in other soft?!

  • Thanks captain "O"!)
    I have my owe eyes, and i understand difference between Flash and Spine. But I'm convinced that there are many ways to implement it. Such as creating a kind of plane for each graphic frame. It's not so different from switching png made with Photoshop. Its just the way to do this inside the spine directly.

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  • Are you planning to develop any kind of drawing tools to make traditional frame by frame animation?

    I've just bought pro version of spine a couple of weeks ago and i cant stop wondering its reasonableness, intuitiveness and ergonomics of the interface. And i really don't want to shift back to flash that i use to work in for last 10 years. But some features like drawing sfx still needed so badly.

    While i was exploring spine i realised that there was no way you hadn't thought about it yet.)))