
  • 27 nov 2018
  • Si è iscritto 10 giu 2015
  • Hello,

    In answer to your question, in my last Spine work we used a bit of 2.5d, but not to often, only a few stories had human characters and animations assigned that really need it.

    I'm a 3d modeler and animator too, this helped me to rig those characters for the other animators that worked with me to recreate the 2.5D, and supervise their work, as I was in charge of the animation team.

    If still want to go on with the test, I send you an email with the paypal account information.


  • Hello,

    In answer to your question, in my last Spine work we used a bit of 2.5d, but not to often, only a few stories had human characters and animations assigned that really need it.

    I'm a 3d modeler and animator too, this helped me to rig those characters for the other animators that worked with me to recreate the 2.5D, and supervise their work, as I was in charge of the animation team.

    If still want to go on with the test, I send you an email with the paypal account information.


  • Hello,

    Yes, i checked the animation loops that appeared in the link before applying.
    The quality is great.

    I'm still interested, and I think i can handle an animation with so many bones.
    One question: are all the assets provided? I will only have to export them to Spine, create the rig and animate the scene, won't I?

    Based on the estimates for the animations (1-2 weeks) i can do a scene for 60 $ the loop. As it requires time to complete, the test loop will be paid. Thanks for your understanding.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,
    I just sent you a PM.


  • Hello,

    I'm interested in the project. I've been using Spine for a long time and currently most of the animations i've done recently are for animated ebooks stories, that required different types of rigs depending on the scenes, characters, etc... to be animated:

    Spine Demonstration for CCE pipeline - YouTube

    Spinereel 2018Q1 for Nomelome - YouTube

    May I ask, what is the estimated time for completing one scene?


    Subject: [PAID] need animator for adult project on regular basis

    craus ha scritto


    I'm looking for a qualified 2.5D spine animator for adult game (mostly animating sex scenes) for a regular work on tasks.

    Need both good spine skills and love of sex movies - you will need to look for references yourself.
    We are doing realistic animations, so tasks are difficult (but well payed) and is not something you can do in the evening after main job. Doing scenes is way more complicated then animating one character!
    I'm looking for a high quality result at first.

    You can find some of the examples here:
    If you are interested - please send me PM

  • Hi Erikari,

    Thanks for your response and suggestions 🙂

    Well, the intention was more focused on preventing the animators to break my rig, perhaps because of the 3d rigs i used to do in Maya, it just came up now that i'm rigging for a group of them.

    In any case, I didn't noticed the clean up button. Will take a look to the info about it. 🙂

    Thanks again.

    • Modificato
  • Hello Esoteric Team,

    I was wondering if there's any way to block some of the attributes, so they don't get key frames and keep the rig and time line as clean as possible.

    For example, if i have setup an IK for the legs, i only want to key the Translate attribute of the IK solver, but not the Rotation, Scale and Shear. Thus, if by mistake I press C or i have autokey enable only keys will be added in the translation.
