love the animations ..... the movements are amazing :o :o

- 22 ott 2020
- Si è iscritto 18 apr 2017
thanks.... i never thought there was an option possible like this ..... i used to take a lot of time to key frames ..... it will cut a lot of time from my animating process ....
thank you again ... :clap:helpful
Hey Meego,
Its hard to suggest any solutions without seeing the rigs and keys properly ...
I have dealt with similar issues in the past ...
I would suggest making a new bone for your rig and and cut your animated keys from root bone and paste it on your newly created bone (in animate mode)few rules to keep in mind for future:
trust me i have been in your position and it is not pretty :shake:
Hey palanolho ,
Here is a project made with the clipping mask as @shiu suggested.
I think this might help.hmmm ..... that sounds great ......
You can store your group of non selected bones.
checkout "Selection groups" topic from the link
- Modificato
Hey i was doing some animation and realized that i am unable to offset mesh keyframes for a loop animation ...
Is it a bug ?ohh got it ... i missed that :p
Hey i just discovered a setting related to instances .....
never knew this was already implemented .....thanks ... it worked
- Modificato
Hey ,
Anyone knows how to open two separate spine files simultaneously .
I wanted to compare some stuff .@[cancellato]
you can also export the animation having a green screen at the back and key it in adobe premier or adobe after effects ( i would prefer after effects as it has better options for green screen removal )......but if you don't know these software i would recommend you to use adobe premiere as it is easier to learn compared to after effects .... its better to know these softwares as they come handy occasionally if you are working with multimedia stuff
I never tried to export my animations in gif but now that i used it I faced the same problem ....
If nothing works you can always export your animations into a png sequence and convert them through some different software .... I would recommend Adobe PremiereLooks extremely good ....
specially that subtle smirk of his ....yep that would be super helpful ..... i faced the same problem many time .....
i used to edit the "json file" manually to enter numbers so that i could import the project again....
I had to take help of a coder as i was not able to find the correct values on my own .....thanks ...
it was helpful :yes: