Unsure what you mean by the edges? BTW is there a slack/gitter/IRC for Spine? Watching the Trello eagerly for the new spine-js runtime.

- 29 feb 2016
- Si è iscritto 25 feb 2016
- Modificato
Essentially lets you use HTML to show/control spine animations.
<a-scene> <a-entity spine="src: data/spineboy;animation: walk"></a-entity> </a-scene>
EX: http://joshgalvin.github.io/SpineFrame/examples/basic.html
README: https://github.com/joshgalvin/spineframeThis is more of a proof of concept than anything else. Based on the THREE.js work by Makc (https://github.com/makc/spine-runtimes/tree/three.js)