
  • 31 mar 2023
  • Si è iscritto 27 mar 2018
  • Hi Thank you Mitch for your help.

    Unfortunately the problem is still existing, I delete the Spine Examples folder, open it in Unity 2019.1.2f1, Then I re-import the Unity 3.7 runtime, the same error still there.

    Assets/Spine/spine-unity/Modules/AnimationTools/AnimationTools.cs(215,6): error CS1501: No overload for method SetFrame' takes4' arguments

    I cannot run the Gunman scene in Assets/SpineMen/Scenes.

    Maybe the compatibility issue?

    The second screenshot shows that all of the Spine examples scene are not rendered properly. The animationtool.cs is the one has problem?

  • Need a Fix!

    I just Download the gunman pack from the licensing website, open it in the latest unity 2019.1.2.f1, and then I imported the updated runtime "Spine-Unity 3.7 runtime unitypackage" from Spine Unity Download.

    Then, This error occurs,

    Assets/Spine/spine-unity/Modules/AnimationTools/AnimationTools.cs(215,6): error CS1501: No overload for method SetFrame' takes4' arguments

    I could not find the solution, please need help, really wish to get start it. Thank you!

    I tried to delete the animationtools.cs following No overload for method `SetFrame'

    But then all of the characters are not rendering.

    shown in the attachment.

    no errors occur this time.

    • Modificato
    Mitch ha scritto

    There is a specific Hitman/Gunman package for 2018+ available.

    I am actually not 100% sure of 2019 compatibility, but if the 2018 package doesn't work, I will fix it today! 🙂

    Thank you! I will go have a look

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    Before I purchased Gunman and Hitman Packs, May I ask are they only support Unity 5.4.1f1??

    My friend has a Gunman packs when he bought it for three years, he sent me for test so I can decide whether should I buy it or not.

    I wish to use them in my 2019.1.1 projects, but there are tons of errors with my latest 3.7 runtime installed. it is a headache for me to fix every compatible problems.

    My real question is, have they been update for the latest version of unity and the latest runtime?

    Thank you, if yes, I would like proceed my purchase.

    Nate ha scritto

    Sorry you are having trouble. Can you please post or email the PSD so we can see the problem? contact@esotericsoftware.com

    Thank you for your response nate, I figure it out. My hidden Layers didn't export the correct coordinate to the JSON, it shows NaN at both coordinates, therefore SPINE cannot read it, now I know now. If you are interested this small bug should be easy to fix.

    So frustrating!!

    Every time I use the script to export the work from Photoshop to Spine, the JSON always produce some error msg as I shown in the attachment!!!

    I use the layer folder rename them to [bone] to keep them organized and tidy, also helped to create a bone for me. But it exported OK. When I open SPINE and try to import them then the error occurs!!!

    What should I do???

    Thank you admin, I just upload my produced JSON, can you spot any problem? I cannot import any JSON produced by the script to SPINE

    • Modificato
    Pharan ha scritto

    Thanks for reporting. That should be safe to remove. It's actually not supposed to be there.
    Otherwise, it should start working correctly. It doesn't affect anything unless you have the preferences window open.

    Note with the new setup, it uses this: PSA: Spine Animations as Unity asset references

    Thank so much for your help really glad to see this forum is having a such good admin like you.
    Here is the thing, I managed add the two animation such as After Falling crouch for walking and idle animation, using the sample code work like a charm.

    But whenever I try to add a preparation jumping animation, and trying to use some sort of delay function (like Coroutine: IEnumerator) to stop the jumping animation for a short period of time, after the jump button is pressed, the code just doesn't work and the error says it needs to be C# 7 or above so I reckon it is not good way to go.

    For your example jumping code, is there any suggestion solving my case?

    Thank you for your time Pharan~

    Thanks Pharah! I will take a look at it and very appreciated for the explaination.

    Hey, I just download and update your new example.

    But when ever I enter the play mode it says the following msg.

    " Assets/Spine/spine-unity/Editor/SpineEditorUtilities.cs(293,33): error CS1501: No overload for method HierarchyIconsOnPlaymodeStateChanged' takes0' arguments "

    I have to delete this " SpineEditorHierarchyHandler.HierarchyIconsOnPlaymodeStateChanged(); " in order to work, but in my scene my character will now be invisible until I enter play mode and quickly leave and enter again they will appear.

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  • Hi

    I am very new to C# unity and just learnt this amazing software that has so much potential. In the tutorial file from Spine runtimes, Mitch Thompson, one of the forum manager he wrote the Basic Platformer Controller which incredibly helped me and proved it is so useful for the beginners. However, I really wish to add a preparation jumping and landing animation inside the jumping loop. What I mean by that, is

    Currently, his code has ability to import walk, run, jump, crouch, fall animation. a jumping loop only go through a sequence from jump to fall animation. I wish to add a pre Jump animation, just 0.08 second before jumping, and landing animation after falling. Is there any suggestion about what should I add to his Code?

    The attachment I havent done much at all, tried few time it isnt working. If there is any help would be really really appreciated!!!

    Pharan ha scritto

    To scale X and Y at the same time using the Scale tool, don't use the handles. Just select the bone you want to scale, then click drag anywhere in the viewport away from the handles (the green and red arrows or shapes).
    Spine's primary transform tools (scale, rotate, translate, skew) are designed to be used without needing to hit the handles. But you can use the handles in case you want to perform the transformations in specific ways.

    For numeric input, yeah. Currently, you have to enter both.
    . 5 tab . 5 enter is enough for that case.

    Got it!!! Thank you so much Pharah!!!

    Erikari ha scritto

    Hi 911ljt, you can redownload them all here:
    spine-runtimes/examples at 3.6
    To do it just click on the Spine runtimes link (this one GitHub - EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes: 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine. ) then on the green big button on the left to clone/download, then choose download as zip.
    Unzip and go to the example files to find all the example files (:

    Perfect, thank you Erik~~

    Very good idea!


    Can someone help brother out?

    I mean, For example, I wish to scale the object numerically to half of its size, i have to input 0.5 two times in order to do that, is there any thing like Lock ratio button?

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    I somehow lost the original spine examples folder, my spineboy_pro file was tested and saved for some reason, Could some one pack all of the Original Spine examples for me please? Much appreciated.