I hope this is not a controversial topic, but having come from a strong 3d animation background, I find it very hard to use the graph editor that comes with spine.
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I find it to be inferior and limiting in every way when compared to a more continuous "shows all keys" graph editor.
Now don't get me wrong, you can get-by with the current graph editor that only shows how 1 key immediately relates to his neighbouring key. But it's really hard to wrap my head around how the keys are relating to each other during the entire animation.
My suggestion is that we move to include a more 3d software style graph editor. Like the one found in all 3d animation software, as well as Unity's Mecanim.
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Their are many advantages lost when you can't see and manipulate the curve of an object through out an animation. For instance. One strong benefit of having such a curve editor in Maya is that on a looped animation, if I wanted to offset a curve, yet still wanted it to loop smoothly...you could simply set the curves to be continuous through infinity, and then select all the keys on the curve and move them over a few frames to create a nice smooth overlapped action.
On the Y value, you can directly see how the weight of an object is interacting with it's environment as it's bounce is clearly visible and as such adjusting the timing is very easy.
I could continue to list advantages lost in workflow due to the limited view/control of the current graph editor but I feel I've made my point.