• Editor
  • Hiding half an object (such as in the ground)

Hi all,

I'm really new to Spine, and I have a simple problem that I just can't work out how to solve! I'm very sorry if this is obvious / already been asked, but I wasn't able to find anything in the User Guide / Forum Search, possibly since I'm not quite sure what to search...

Here's the problem:

I have a lever for a 2D game, so it just gets placed on the ground. I want it so that the middle section spins when the lever is pulled, as indicated in this picture:

Of course, when I try to rotate a semi-circle it's not going to look like a wheel, it will just look wrong and leave a gap where it was. So surely I need to use a full circle! But then, how do I hide the lower half of the lever which is supposed to be underground, indicated in this image:

Any help would be hugely appreciated. Again, sorry if this is a really basic question! Many thanks in advance :-)

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Welcome to spine.

Firstly, It is possible... Secondly, its not easy.

The main problem here are you cant have masks in spine. And as you asked in the editor forum, ill try and give an editor answer (not that I can give a detailed answer of a programmy way to do it, sorry)

According to your image, really, the only thing you will see moving is the spokes (bars from centre to edge). I would separate them into different slots, then rotate them around the centre of the wheel.

To do this click the image, then use rotate tool, then click the + in the centre of the rotate icon and drag it to the wheel centre

once it hits 0' you can snap it to the otherside (although because of the image I doubt you need to do that as you can just loop the spokes moving to the next spokes position)

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Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

I hope those pictures can give you some Inspire!

^ is why I didn't suggest mesh deformation. Works well on translating objects, not so well on rotating ones

So i hope UVanimation&Mask can join into spine :devil:

Hi BinaryCats and Tianyi.Zhang!

Thanks so much for your replies! Sorry I didn't reply until now - I thought I'd get an e-mail if the thread had activity.

I think I understand... I'll give this a go, but don't be surprised if you see me again! haha
Here's hoping that masking can be added in a later update.

Many thanks again :-)