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[FEATURE REQUEST] Timeline hight zooming.
Hi! I'm interesting - are you planning to make something kinda timeline hight zooming option/triger as i've drew on a screenshot? Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque
I'm pretty sure it'll be useful not just for me.
Nice idea!
You can change the dopesheet row height in the settings. The default setting is as small as possible without looking bad. It starts to look bad at smaller settings, like your first screenshot. I'm not sure why would you want to change it on the fly?
At first - my bad :notme: I had to check settings more attentively. But anyway with the smallest settings it's still not enough small for comparing more than 4-5 details properties at once without scaling dopesheet area(( And i don't see big problem in the way it looks. Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque
High on the priority list is the ability to filter the dopesheet, eg to show only rotation keys. This will help you see more, at least when you don't care about all types of keys.
By looking bad I mean the text and icons don't have enough space around them. Any smaller and the icons would start to overlap!
Yep! It sounds definitely wise.
But some times i need to work with one bone and look to another, but I cant see both of them without selecting them all, consequently i can't modify each of them separately. When i want to compare location of my first bone key with keys of another bones i have to press "space" and scrolling dopesheet all the way down trying to find the bone i need.
But in case of the smallest variant you could use a text just for an object(bone) and all its properties names could be hidden and only its icons could be screened. I'm able to redraw the small variation of icons for this task if needed))))
Have you seen the dopesheet docs? See the section on dopesheet contents.