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  • Select opposite PLEASE!

Hi there! I'm a big fan of using Spine. I work in the slot game industry and all my work is mainly in spine. I was wondering if there are any plans to add a select opposite feature? I'd love to be able to select opposite , for say arms and legs. For example, if I have things named R or L or Right or Left, if I had a shortcut to select opposite, it would look for the same name just different side. Thoughts?

Thanks a bunch!

  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio
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    Currently, Spine does not have a built-in feature specifically for selecting opposite elements like arms or legs based on naming conventions such as "R" or "L". However, you can set up hotkeys for selecting descendant bones, which might help streamline your workflow when dealing with symmetrical elements. You can configure these hotkeys in the Spine settings under the hotkeys section: Spine Hotkeys. While the specific feature you are asking for is not available, you can suggest it as a feature request for future updates.

    jaynewk Thank you for your feedback! We have an idea on our roadmap for an enhancement to show or hide anything other than what is selected, but we don't currently have an idea for inverting selections.
    We would like to allow more flexibility in configuring stored selections and this would be helpful in your case if this were to happen:

    Incidentally, here is the issue ticket for adding the function to show or hide anything other than what is selected:

      Misaki Thanks for letting me know Misaki! Much appreciated!

      I added a comment to the first issue for a "select opposite" hotkey. It's not hard to do I can see it could be useful. Cheers! 🍻

        Nate awesome Nate, thank you! Spine team is A+