• Editor
  • UNPACKING ATLAS [error] Unable to find atlas image

I have been reading up on similar cases in the forum and I don't think I found anything that matches. I would like to ask for help in figuring why I can't unpack the atlas I have in my PC.

Error log is looking for a �PNG when the name was provided in the exact location it was found.

Spine Launcher 4.2.17
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X x86_64 11.6
ATI Technologies Inc., AMD Radeon Pro 570 OpenGL Engine, 2.1 ATI-4.6.20
Starting: Spine 4.2.33 Professional
Spine 4.2.33 Professional
Licensed to: <removed>
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
ERROR: Unable to unpack atlas:
[error] Unable to find atlas image: [redacted].../export/AutoplayAnimation/�PNG
   at s.auP._(_:97)
   at s.GHE._(_:141)
   at s.pdD._(_:588)
   at s.JeU._(_:610)
   at s.iTA._(_:65)
   at s.wZz._(_:98)
   at s.xMD._(_:47)
   at s.Fmo._(_:186)
   at s.xMD._(_:50)
   at s.Guq._(_:211)
   at s.Guq.B(_:186)
   at s.pdD.D(_:1052)
   at s.hAr.V(_:499)
   at s.pRW._(_:278)
   at s.pRW.V(_:230)
   at s.BDl.V(_:149)
   at s.rGh.run(_:186)
  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

    The error message "Unable to find atlas image" suggests that Spine is having trouble locating the image files referenced in your .atlas file. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

    1. Check the Atlas File Paths: Open your .atlas file in a text editor and verify that the paths to the image files are correct. Ensure that the image files are located in the same directory as the .atlas file or in the specified relative paths.

    2. Verify Image File Names: Make sure that the image file names in the .atlas file match exactly with the actual image file names, including the file extensions. Pay attention to case sensitivity, as file names are case-sensitive on some operating systems.

    3. Update Spine Version: Ensure you are using the latest version of Spine. Sometimes, bugs in older versions can cause issues that have been resolved in newer releases. You mentioned using Spine 4.2.33, which is quite recent, but it's always good to check for any updates.

    4. Check for Special Characters: The error log mentions a �PNG which suggests there might be an issue with special characters or encoding in the file paths or names. Ensure that there are no special characters or spaces in the file names or paths.

    5. Use the Command Line Interface (CLI): You can try unpacking the atlas using Spine's CLI to see if it provides more detailed error messages. The command would look something like this:

         Spine -i <path_to_images_folder> -o <path_to_output_folder> -c <path_to_atlas_file>
    6. Post or Email Files: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you can post or email the .atlas file and the image files to the Spine support team for further assistance. The email address is [contact@esotericsoftware.com](mailto:contact@esotericsoftware.com).

    Here is a link to the Spine User Guide on Texture Unpacker for more detailed instructions.

    By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing the atlas from being unpacked.

    maco17 I tried unpacking on my end and was able to do so without any problems. I have attached the image files of the unpacked result here:


    I am also using MacOS and the version of Spine Launcher and Spine Editor I am using is the same as yours. So I am not sure why the unzip failed on your end, but I think maybe the location of the folder where the images are located could not be properly loaded due to permissions. Could you please make sure that Spine has permission to access that folder and try the unpack again?

    • maco17 ha risposto a questo messaggio
    • maco17 ha messo mi piace.

      Misaki Thanks for helping out! I'm not a big mac user but I'll look into the PC permission in relation to Spine. I'll update here if I make any success.

      Misaki just an update. I've allowed Spine to have Full Disk Access and I still have no luck in unpacking the texture.

      I'll give it some more checks.

      • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

        maco17 Hmmm, sorry to hear you can't unpack yet. Can other texture atlases be unpacked?

        @Misaki I'm out of leads.

        1. I tried different files from different folder locations, no luck.
        2. I tried simpler name images, no space path names, still no luck.
        3. I tried the Command Line version (it asked for permission to access folders and I allowed it), gives the same errors.
        4. I asked a colleague who's using windows; they don't have any issues with unpacking.
        5. All my error logs have the �PNG in common

        I'm not sure what else I can try to make the unpacking work.

        • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

          maco17 Thank you for the additional information. I am sorry to hear that the issue has still not been resolved. We will investigate this issue and reply to this thread as soon as we find anything.

          • Modificato

          maco17 I realized we had missed something very important: Did you specify a PNG file in the Atlas file field when you tried to unpack?

          I have confirmed that I can reproduce the error you are experiencing if I specify a PNG file here. The correct file to specify here is the .atlas file. When an .atlas file is specified, the atlas page files (.png files) are searched and unpacked based on the information contained in the atlas file.
          Could you try to specify the .atlas file and see if it unpacks correctly?

          @Misaki it works! I missed a really basic thing. I feel horrible for making you go all over for this. Thank you very much for the support!

          On a side note, people call the PNG an atlas too so I confused it with the actual atlas file. Thank you, thank you, thank you!