Salve a tutti, vorrei animare un ciondolo che pende da una capigliatura in modo che oscillasse in maniera naturale (quindi con l'estremità che oscilla da sinistra a destra e il corpo centrale che si flette). L'unica soluzione che ho trovato è creare la mash collegarla con i pesi alla colonna di ossa che ho legato all'interno, ma mi tocca modificarli tutti singolarmente perché non ho trovato un modo per comandarli in una maniera più semplice. Avete qualche consiglio o tutorial da indicarmi? Grazie

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This sounds like a perfect use case for physics in 4.2! While it's quite stable, it's still in beta and we don't yet have documentation for physics. It's not super hard to figure out, mostly you adjust the sliders until you get the effect you want. Check out the tooltips on the sliders. With physics setup you won't even have to animate the pendant, it will react naturally during all your animations.

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm looking for a way to do it myself because I don't have that version and would like to understand how to do it.

    • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

      Agamennone All versions are available if you have a valid Spine license. The editor version can be changed by clicking on the number in the Version option of the Spine launcher window or from the Spine Settings window.

        Thanks but since it is a work station I am not sure I can do it. Isn't there a tutorial that teaches you how to do it manually? It would help me understand many things

        • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

          Agamennone How to select the version to launch is mentioned in the user guide, but for clarity I recorded some video.

          If you want to change the version in the Spine launcher, you can change it from the version option shown in the attached video:

          If you want to change the version after starting the editor, please refer to the following video:

            Misaki Thanks, I will definitely do this when I install my home version. Do you know a tutorial for animating the movement of a snake?

            • Erika ha risposto a questo messaggio

              Agamennone Looks like this one might be an option