• Editor
  • Hide slot on animation timeline

Hi Spine,

Is there a way to hide a slot on animation timeline? In my case I want to hide the eye slot and show the blink slot for a moment. I can't just swatch the image for the "eye" slot because I've previously set the attachment to match a certain eye color. And when the animation shows the eye again the static attachment from the timeline overwrites. E.g. eye slot has attachment set (at runtime) to brown eye. Setting eye slot to blink then reshow normal eye will take whatever color eye I had when authoring. Hope that makes sense. At any rate, the ability to hide (i.e. make invisible) the eye slot and show the blink slot would help.

Thanks for great product.


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you can just add two slots to a single bone, hide one and show the other.

Got ya, that's what I was planning on. I muddied the original question with convoluted description 😉 I'm trying to figure out how to hide/show the slots on a single bone. Can it be done from timeline or must it be programmatic?


7 mesi dopo

Can I hide slot in runtime(cocos2d-x)?

Slots are never hidden. You can set the attachment in a slot to null though, so nothing will be shown for that slot. This is true in all runtimes.

6 giorni dopo

I found a hack for the slot hidding, make the alpha equal 0.

If you do that you should edit your runtime to avoid drawing the image for a slot if the alpha is zero, else the image will continue to count against your fill rate.

2 anni dopo

Hello :-)

Sorry for the epic bump on this old thread, but I was wondering if someone could please tell me how to set a slot to null.

I'm trying to make a project in which each animation shows only the section I'm animating. I've read in a few places that setting slots to null would be the best approach, but I can't work out how.

Thanks very much!


Please ignore! I just found it.