notme16118 dic 2017Messaggio #1 venerdì 8 dicembre 2017 04:07Questo post è in inglese spine 3.7.08 and Spine-Unity 3.6 runtime unitypackage (2017 November 25) and spine exported files below Thank you.
Pharan8 dic 2017Messaggio #3 venerdì 8 dicembre 2017 11:58Questo post è in ingleseHello! Spine 3.7 editor is in beta and we currently don't have a functioning Spine 3.7 runtime for Spine-Unity
notme1611 spine 3.7.08 and Spine-Unity 3.6 runtime unitypackage (2017 November 25) and spine exported files below Thank you.
Pharan Hello! Spine 3.7 editor is in beta and we currently don't have a functioning Spine 3.7 runtime for Spine-Unity