• Runtimes
  • [WebGL] Tinting Slot

Back in March I made a thread asking about color tinting for canvas and the answer was that it couldn't be done without WebGL - and so now I'm happily working with the WebGL runtime and I'm back at it. I'm happy to see that if I tint something in the Spine program itself, it'll render out to the canvas now. Huzzah!

But, my new goal is to use a color picker to dynamically change a slot's tint at runtime. The html is basic:

<span> Hair Color: <input id="hair_color" type="color"> </span>

And then I've got some jQuery going on:

/* Everytime a new color is chosen: */
$("#hair_color").change(function() {
   var color = hexToRgb($(this).val());
   console.log(color.b); // As an example, calling color.b will return just the blue value :D

/* This is used above to convert the hex value from the html5 colorpicker into rgb values: */
function hexToRgb(hex) {
    var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
    return result ? {
        r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
        g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
        b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
    } : null;

Now I've got access to the RGB values I want to change my "forelock" slot to (not the bone color, not an attachment, but the slot - and in doing so, tint all of the attachments associated with that slot). So, what now?

var skeleton = skeletons[activeSkeleton].skeleton;
console.log(skeleton.findSlot("forelock").data.color); // Returns the existing "forelock" slot color, I know that much?

I not sure where to begin to figure out what to do to actually change a slot color. :$

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Use the source, Luke! 😉 See here:
spine-runtimes/Slot.ts at master

var color = skeleton.findSlot("forelock").color;
color.r = 1;
color.g = 0;
color.b = 0;
color.a = 1;

Whew, thanks! That was way more painless than I thought. (I wasn't sure I could just reassign variables so simply like that without running some sort of function to force an update or what. But nope, works just fine.)

It looks as though I'll need to divide the RGB values I'm getting from my slider by 255 to get a percentage (since that's how Spine seems to store these values?) but that was easy to figure out. I'm very happy with the results. <3

edit - But I wonder if there any chance this can be done multiplicatively rather than additively?

It should be a multiply operation. All the other runtimes (and the Spine editor) work that way.
Do you have a screenshot of what it looks like?

Oh - it's working as intended - it displays exactly as it would in the editor. However, artistically speaking, the default color blending is not doing what I would like because the contrast in the shading becomes washed and muted. I would love to not only be able to change the "color" in whatever way Spine is doing it but do some true image manipulation at run time - hue, saturation, brightness, contrast - that sort of thing. Otherwise, I will never have the desired result when it comes to live, dynamic customization in game. These things can still probably be done, but they're just not currently there.

By image manipulation via hue/saturation/etc. do you mean the colors of the slot, or the individual pixels of the attachment? For the former, it should be easy to write a few conversion functions that take hue/saturation etc. and convert to rgb slot colors. For the later, you'll need to get your hands dirty with shaders I'm afraid.

Unfortunately, it's definitely the individual pixels of the attachment that will need to be run over and stuff - and while figuring out WebGL shaders would be nice... I think I'll just upload a light/dark version of each hair style and call it good enough for customization. I've got other parts of this project to focus on. x'D

Still, I'm more or less happy with the result I got with just changing the RGB of the slot color:

Oh, that looks great! For 3.6, we have 2 color tinting support in spine-ts, which wil give you greater control!