Nate ha scrittoTrackEntry trackEnd
defaults to the animation duration for non-looping animations. If you want to keep applying the animation, set it higher:
SetAnimation("FallOver", 0, false).TrackEnd = 99999;
It will keep applying FallOver
for a very long time or until you have it do something else. Past the animation duration it will pose the skeleton as if it were the last frame.
This works!.....
More or less,
The problem with using entry.TrackEnd = 999
is that it screws up blending. whether this is new to 3.5+ I do not know, but it certainty happened pre-patches (in this thread and the other thread, which I was able to revert).
And before you ask it also happens in the skeletonviewer, which when you play an animation it also alters the entry.trackend
Concider the following:
The Last Frame of TakeHit_KnockBack
Loading Image
Is the same as the first Frame of TakeHit_Land
Loading Image
When you alter TakeHit_KnockBack
.TrackEnd = 999
Wait for an amount of time < 999 seconds and
You get weird mixing results, which didn't happen when altering the track end was not required:
Loading Image
(0.28 mix, playing at 0.25 speed)
For reference it use to happen like there was no mix:
Loading Image
(0.0 mix, playing at 0.25 speed)
(and sure we can set the mix to 0, but this behaviour is a bit strange)