• Bugs
  • Spine animation stopped showing up? (urgent!)


We've been happily working with spine for the past while on an iOS game.
However, after making updates to our animations and assets, and running the program on devices, the spine animations stopped showing up. Any attempts to set attachments didn’t work, any calls to animations didn’t work, it was as if it was not present at all. There were no error messages from spine.

We've been stuck on this for 2 weeks without solution, so posting again to hopefully get help.
I've attached our sample project in a Google Drive if anyone can take a look.


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do you not have a repo

No we don't... but that's why we created a sample project?

Can you give more information? What runtime are you using (Unity, cocos2d-x, ...)? What Spine Editor version are you using? What Spine Runtime version are you using (latest from master, etc.)?

edit: Nm, it's cocos2d-x. I'll see what I can do with your repro project.
edit #2: erm, this is using SpriteBuilder? I tried downloading that to open the project, but their links no longer work O_o
edit #3: wonderful http://sht.tl/t9pAio

edit #4: Since i couldn't get your SpriteBuilder project to work on my end, I did a manual diff of your spine-c runtime and the official one. Looks like you are using an outdated spine-c runtime. Please get the latest spine-c/spine-cocos2d-x runtime from Github (https://github.com/esotericsoftware/spine-runtimes) and update your project accordingly.

Thanks for helping through this.

1) It's cocos2d-objective C
2) Yes, it is SpriteBuilder. But the Xcode project should be openable with Xcode, it's the MusicCatcher.xcodeproj file. We are actually using Xcode for development.
3) We've recently updated the spine editor to 3.4.02 and the runtime 3.3.07 - which is the most recent version on the site.

Alright, I'll give this another try and see what's up. But the project you posted above does not use the latest spine-c/spine-cocos2dx runtime.

I tried to get the sample project running, but to no avail. Your project setup is not great, all Spine runtime files are just dumped in their, making updating them hard. Here's what I did:

  1. Remove Source/Spine in Xcode, using "Move to Trash"

  2. Remove Source/spine-c in Xcode, using "Move to Trash"

  3. Copy the contents of spine-c/src/spine to Source/spine-c

  4. Copy the contents of spine-c/include/spine to Source/spine-c/spine

  5. Copy the contents of spine-cocos2d-objc/src/spine to Source/spine-cocos2d-objc

You can find the latest spine-c folder here, the latest spine-cocos2d-objc folder here.

This will give you an up-to-date version of spine-c and spine-cocos2d-objc. Once I did that, compiling still failed as the support library from SpriteBuilder is not present, so CCBReader and CCShader can't be resolved. Everything else appears to compile though.

Sorry I can't be of more help, I've already spend 45 minutes on this. If your problem persists, please modify the spine-cocos2d-objc example to reproduce your issue. Otherwise I'm not sure what else I can do on my end.

6 giorni dopo

Was able to reproduce it locally. Looking into it now.

The plot thickens. All the attachments of the slots in the skeleton draw order are null. Looks like setting the skin failed?

Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

OK, this isn't an issue with the runtime at all, but with the model. If you set a skin and an animation, then things show up. E.g.

Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

Skin "Cinnamon", animation "Encounter_accept". The setup pose has no attachments set on any slots at all. The results of the spine-cocos2d-objc renderer are the exact same as the results when using SkeletonViewer, our reference implementation. Please check your Spine projects (or post it here) for issues regarding attachments set in the setup pose.

Hmmmm, yes the problem seems to be with spine model.
Probably an amateur animator's error on something to do with setting keys and attachments?

I also just isolated the skin to the one you tested "Cinnamon".
Love to know what we're doing wrong with attachments (ie. for the "Encounter_1" animation).


@pianoman. I've taken a look at the project. There are a couple of things that could be the cause of the problems you're having but it's difficult for me to get a good understanding of the project setup without having the actual project file with the images included.

For example no skin visible in Setup mode could be the cause (at least if you do not force it visible at runtime).
Another thing that might be incorrectly set up (depending on your use case), is that you have multiple slots on some bones with only one attachment visible. In many cases you will only need a single slot with three attachments for this. The "RH" bone has three slots with an attachment each, but only only one is visible.

If you can, please describe what you're expecting to see and if possible also please share the actual Spine Project along with the individual images to contact@esotericsoftware.com it will make it easier for me to go through the project and see if the structure is wrong.

Sorry, forgot to attach the attach project file.

Edit: oct/6

Ah, finally figured out what you meant by "setup pose" (I thought it was a specific pose, or the initial frame of animations...but it's the setup "mode"). Got it to appear in the sample project file, but it's still not appearing in our actual project, but that might have to do with cocos2d runtimes or something. Thanks for the support, will update on what we find!