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[Mac OS X 10.8] Spine.app will not run...
i backed this project on kickstarter, but i can't get the Spine.app to start/run. I have to use "Show package contents" from the context menu of the Spine.app and then brows to contents/Resources/Java/spine.jar and launch it.
spine.log (after runing the JAR-File):
Spine 1.0.9-trial
Mac OS X x86_64 10.8.2
NVIDIA Corporation
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine
2.1 NVIDIA-8.0.61
Java 1.6.0_37
Apple Inc.
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
- Allow applications download from everywhere is selected in the System Preferences.
- I have installed Little Snitch (latest release). But no Spine.app appear in the Rules. Only the JAR Launcher.
regards Jan
Hey Jan, we'll try to get that fixed ASAP, sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm afraid there are some issues running with Java 7 on the Mac. Can you try opening Java Preferences and checking Java 6 if possible?
I can try this... but first i have to install the JAVA Preference Pane ... Apple removed this in an mountain lion update (i think it is the same update that pulled java support from the safari browser).
here is a how to from apple
regards Jan
it worked for me out of the box, I bought it through this website, I have Java 7 runtime & sdk installed on osx 10.8.2
Spine should now run correctly using Java 7 on Mac, as of Spine version 1.0.10. So many hours wasted fixing this, I hate you Apple!
tried the 1.0.11 Version... didn't worked for me.
Console.app Log-Messages:
16.02.13 00:04:25,087 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[346]: ([0x0-0x140140].Spine[1710]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 13
16.02.13 00:04:25,089 Dock[365]: no information back from LS about running process
yeah... weird!
regards Jan
Erhm, are you sure that is 1.0.11?
Hi Nate,
found the damn little error...
localhost:~ nf$ cd /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/
localhost:MacOS nf$ ls -la
total 5376
5 nf staff 170 16 Feb 11:14 .
6 nf staff 204 16 Feb 11:14 ..
1 nf staff 471 15 Feb 23:21 run.sh[/color]
1 nf staff 2655384 15 Feb 23:21 spine.jar
1 nf staff 89681 15 Feb 23:21 splash.png
cd /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/
chmod +x run.sh
Spine starts now perfectly!
Hope this helps some others with similar problems on mac os x!
regards Jan
Great, thanks! What kills me is why the executable flag is lost for some users but not all... Also what is strange is you should have gotten a different error if it were a permissions issue:
2/16/13 1:04:23.792 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x290290].Spine[4867]) posix_spawn("/Users/nate/Desktop/spine-1.0.12trial-mac/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/run.sh", ...): Permission denied
2/16/13 1:04:23.793 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x290290].Spine[4867]) Exited with code: 1
maybe it's because of different extraction tools.
i used Keka ( http://www.kekaosx.com/en/ )
just a guess
I will give that a try. Why don't people just use the built-in extraction... you're using a Mac after all...
the built in doesn't support that many file-formats and is not capable of handling damaged archives
btw.: Another thing i noticed is that the icon in the dock is not the same as the Spine.app, it's the typical JAR-File Icon - is that normal... would love to see the spine icon in the dock ?
regards Jan