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  • Translated a group of Objects: All disappeared

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So I selected only about 15 objects from the hierarchy (all first children of the "root") and translated them to 0,0. Their graphics then disappear and I just see an empty widget at 0,0. I tried CTRL+Z but it wouldn't let me undo at all. Now when I try to move one with translate tool (manually or with mouse) they revert back to 0,0. I've tried turning them off in Draw Order and nothing works.

Please help! Any clue what could cause this? It seems I have to start all over...

PS. Yes Images are enabled. In fact, the reference image (in low opacity) is the only one that I didn't move and I can still see it and move it around freely.

That's odd. Were they meshes?

Pharan ha scritto

That's odd. Were they meshes?

Yes. All meshes cut from a single sprite atlas. In fact, when I click on the mesh and click "Edit Mesh" it still shows the properly cut mesh in the correct position in relation to the 0,0 origin but when I click out of it, the sprite disappears again.

In any case, I don't think meshes are translateable. It's not part of their data structure. Internally, meshes are just vertices. You can translate the vertices as a group or one by one, but not through the text box. (?)

This is probably a simple thing.

What did you mean by "translated" anyway? Like you selected the attachments and dragged them with the mouse in the viewport? or typed something in the text box?

Have you tried exporting the json and looking at the mesh vertex the values?

If you want us to take a look and you have permission, you can send your project files to unity@esotericsoftware.com too.

I didn't translate the meshes per say. I translated the objects in the hierarchy menu by typing 0,0 in the "translate" tool box at the bottom of the screen. I've done this before and even tested it in the same project and it worked just fine. I haven't looked at the json file and I'm not sure I'd know how to read that. Perhaps I'll send the file over just for bug testing purposes. At this stage, I'm just going to redo it and hope it doesn't happen again.

did you accidentally scale them all to 0? spine bugs out with 0 scale transforms. and you cant control z it. you have to resize it. then relaunch spine

did you accidentally scale them all to 0? spine bugs out with 0 scale transforms. and you cant control z it. you have to resize it. then relaunch spine

Check your Spine backups folder. It keeps previously saved versions of your file if you previously saved it.
Spine Special Folders and Files

re: The json. Export it with pretty print and it's human-readable.
The meshes come out as a list of numbers, representing the coordinates of the vertices. If they're not all 0, then the mesh survived. Though what numbers they ended up as may be a clue to what's going on too.

Ok, so it turns out that (1) it was a bug because the textbox was supposed to be uneditable and blank if you have more than 1 mesh attachment and your axis was set to World. Handling that is ambiguous. (2) What likely happened in your project was that your mesh attachments all moved hilariously far away from the root bone and out of view. (3) In your case, you could have switched to Local axes and it would have worked fine.

Trivia: The position there is the re-calculated centroid of the polygon. It's not stored as part of the Mesh Attachment data.