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Company of Vikings
Hi guys,
month ago me and my friend made quite simple (but not easy) game for IGMC 2015. Now we are making full version of Company of Vikings and thanks to Spine it will have awesome animations Here are 2 new animations with new graphics of viking and I will update this topic when there will be more of them.
You can download an old version (also with spine animations but simpler) on contest page (vote, comment if you like it, please ):
Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque
Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque
These are really cool! Almost has a "Don't Starve" vibe to the art style. More please!
Thanks! There will be more just need more time
That's a lot of mesh-use! Agree with previous comment - the style is nice.