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Spine Asset Packs coming soon!
Some of the forum folk here already have their hands on them and so far the response has been pretty good so I felt like sharing a quick teaser! These two characters will be available for purchase very, very soon! Hopefully ya'll will find them useful to give your projects a quick boost to get up and running! Will post more info soon.
→Complete Easy to Learn From Rig
→Compatible with Spine Essential
→Ready to Use Unity Sample
→Compatible with Keyboard, Gamepad, and InControl (easy for mobile!)
→→Air Jump
→→Edge Balance
→→Wall Slide
→→Wall Jump
→→Punch Combo
→→Up Attack
→→Down Attack
→→Jump on Enemies
→→One Way
→→Fall Through
→Special Effect Pops
→Sound Palette with content from http://www.UniversalSoundFX.com !
→Advanced Efficient Rig
→Innovative use of IK
→Ready to Use Unity Sample
→Compatible with Keyboard/Mouse, Gamepad, and InControl (easy mobile!)
→→Walk Backwards
→→Air Jump
→→Switch Weapons
→→Jump on Enemies
→→One Way
→→Fall Through
→Special Effect Pops
→Sound Palette with content from http://www.UniversalSoundFX.com !
Looks good! A couple of questions...
1) Does it use meshes?
2) In punching do we go from seeing the front torso of the hero to seeing his back when he follows through? This is something I anticipate having to do in the future and I'm kind of worried about it when I get to that point. Seems hairy.
This is amazing! Thank you so much for putting this together Mitch. It's put together in a way that is super easy and straightforward to customize. Great work as always and worth whatever you want to sell it for. :yes:
Hi @Nate and @Mitch, I have a question about the Asset Packs.
If I have Spine Essential, and I buy the " Asset pack: Hitman -Basic Platformer" and I want to make new movement for my character then the Ghosting will still work for the actual movement and the new movement in Unity?
Sorry for my English.
arkhampy ha scrittoHi @Nate and @Mitch, I have a question about the Asset Packs.
If I have Spine Essential, and I buy the " Asset pack: Hitman -Basic Platformer" and I want to make new movement for my character then the Ghosting will still work for the actual movement and the new movement in Unity?
Sorry for my English.
Yes, ghosting will work.
Here is a short tutorial on how to use ghosting in general with the unity runtimes - the character pack uses the same method.
Bones work with Essential.
Everything with the Hitman character works with Essential too, but Gunman uses IK so it requires Pro.
It uses both Physics and raycasting. Physics are used to move the main character rigidbody, and raycasting is used for Wall, Edge and Jump-damage detection. Spine Bounding Boxes (converted into Unity Polygon Colliders) are used for Attack detection.
Nate ha scrittoPsst, Asset Packs are now live! Will do a proper announcement after we get some beer, err sleep. :beer:
So, I couldn't help but notice you have "advance IK" stuff. i.e. aiming gun, looks cool and all with (what looks like)the gun being the parent of head ik and arm iks, but I could help but notice the gun doesn't point to the mouse position.
Our current IK set up deos, but it is a little more restrictive. Is it due to some other fact that the gun doesn't point to the mouse position or is it due to the ik setup
our hierarchy is similar to:
Target anchor bone
Right arm ik
Left arm ik
With Target anchor bone at the position of the right arm (main gun hand)
Yea, I just never added a mouse offset. The gun pivot position changes depending on the equipped weapon so a little bit more math needs to be done. Original rig was built for twin-stick gamepad stuff where cursor position doesn't matter much. Will be updated sooner or later
Mitch ha scrittoYea, I just never added a mouse offset. The gun pivot position changes depending on the equipped weapon so a little bit more math needs to be done. Original rig was built for twin-stick gamepad stuff where cursor position doesn't matter much. Will be updated sooner or later
Ah ok, fair enough. (its worth noting that the above hierarchy works for any gun, you just have to point the gun (by moving the arm iks) towards the target ik
Yea but if you do it that way you get awkward poses a lot at the extreme angles.
Mitch ha scrittoYea but if you do it that way you get awkward poses a lot at the extreme angles.
Meh, I think that relies on the overall skeleton set up. but I do agree it can look weird. but atleast for us, we clamp the angles the player can shoot at anyway (design idea, not limitation)
interestingly I think I may have combinded the methods
So I just purchased the Gunman pack a day or two ago to mess with in Unity. I was just really curious how things like animation combining, aiming, and overall character controlling was done in this.
Before I proceeded with my project, I loaded up the asset pack scene, and attempted to duplicate the Gunman a number of time just to see how performance was on mobile. I modified the touch script so that all the characters would shoot at the same touch point.
I was getting a weird bug where sometimes the gunman would perform perfectly. I'd touch the screen, the arms would rotate, a shot would be fired towards the touch point. Although, seemingly randomly, some of the duplicated gunman wouldn't follow that logic. Instead, they would, shoot, then rotate to point their weapons at the touch point. I spent all day trying to figure out why sometimes they'd fire perfectly, and other times they would seem to fire before rotating their arms.
It turns out that simply highlighting the Gunman object and duplicating said Gunman would cause any of the duplicate gunman to potentially misbehave. However, if I dragged in any number of prefab gunman from my Assets folder, they would all behave absolutely perfectly. I'm not sure if this has something to do with Unity or some sort of sync issue with the gameobjects and Spine skeleton data or what.
Any thoughts? I don't foresee this every being a problem. Just curious if there was an explanation.
Strike that. I'm handling player states in a different way then the example, and I guess my code is somehow triggering the Fire( ) call before AimPivot completes it rotation.
Equipman coming soon too! Mix and match parts, skins, and a Unity framework for downloading new skins from AssetBundles or from the internet!
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"Team Color" & Shading skins coming for Hitman and Gunman soon too! (Will be added to existing packs)
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And something for fun
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These look fantastic, if there's a video tutorial series that makes utilizing this in my own Unity project more accessible (for a Spine beginner) then I'll be picking up a professional license.
I'd love to see something on:
Applying these to a new skin/model
-weapon switching as well
Start to playable in Unity with a customized (even small modifications) version of these assets.