I was trying to make a character using spine with cocos2d-x 3.4, one of animations is "idle", it is the desired animation output:
the character should have blink action during idle.
but after the spine output added to cocos2d-x 3.4, run with iPhone simulator 8.2, the actual animation seems ok but the blink animation does not show:
and in the original spine input file, the preview in spine can show the blink animation:
the image (girl.png) need to use in girl.spine:
what is the problem?
cocos2d-x version:3.4 (run in iPhone simulator with iOS 8.2)
spine version: spine essential
platform:mac os x 10.10.2
the blink action is done by setting
as background, then place the mask
on top and set opacity of the mask to emulate blink.But in run time it seems the mask does not change opacity and always stick on the head during animation:
while other action seems show correctly
I am using cocos2d-x 3.4 and spine essential, and I don't know if my step of install cocos2d-x and spine is correct, so also post my install step:
1.download cocos2d-x 3.4 from http://www.cocos2d-x.org/filedown/cocos2d-x-3.4.zip , save to home directory
2. create new cocos2d-x project using command:
cocos new SpineTest -p com.your_company.spinetest -l cpp
3.download spine runtime from https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... master.zip , save to home directory
4.in the newly created cocos2d-x project there is some default spine code file in SpineTest/cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/spine, replace the code file in the folder with code file in spine runtime:
cp spine-runtimes-master/spine-c/include/spine/* spine-runtimes-master/spine-c/src/spine/* spine-runtimes-master/spine-cocos2dx/3/src/spine/* ~/SpineTest/cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/spine
5.copy spine output and image (girl.atlas, girl.json , girl.png, see Resources.zip) to cocos2d-x project resource folder SpineTest/Resources, also add resources in Xcode
files to add:
6.create a scene to test girl with animation "idle" (run in iPhone simulator):
at cocos2d-x there is a HelloWorldScene.cpp by default, replace code with following code:
#include "HelloWorldScene.h"
#include <spine/spine.h>
#include <spine/SkeletonAnimation.h>
Scene* HelloWorld::createScene(){
auto scene = Scene::create();
auto layer = HelloWorld::create();
return scene;
bool HelloWorld::init(){
return false;
auto spine = spine::SkeletonAnimation::createWithFile("girl.json", "girl.atlas",1);
return true;
(or for simple, add the following code file into SpineTest/Classes to test the character, also remember to add file in Xcode🙂
It seems minor bug, but I was still unhappy for this problem, who can help? or at least check if the spine install method is correct?