Nate ha scrittoDraw order, especially one skeleton going between images of another, is only possible by merging the two skeletons into one. You could use the event timeline to notify the runtime when to change the draw order, but that won't help one skeleton going between images of another.
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I have just got around to coding the object interaction part of my game.
As per my previous posts, I was having trouble understanding the best way to implement the interaction of my character using an object (a vehicle for example), and after reading the suggestions I played around a little tonight and am still none the wiser as to how to approach it.
I do not want to have to include all possible animations the character 'might' do with each object in the character file, as I do not want everything loaded at startup - there is far too much data / images to load all at once - especially as what objects get used in-game is dependant on user input (whether they choose to use an object or not)
I then tried creating the animations within the object (to be interacted with) Spine project so that I could only load the animations once the object was selected by the user and going to be used by the character in-game.
So in Spine I create my object, and then 'Import' my character ready to get to work making them interact.
However, they are of course 2 separate skeletons/rigs and both have their own Draw Order rather than one shared Draw Order - meaning I cannot seem to make them go in front/behind/between each other as I had planned to do when animating.
I can't even use the new Keyable Draw Order feature to achieve this because as I have said they both have their own Draw Orders.
Any ideas on what I should be doing to achieve what I am after?
I have just started this part of the project so it is no problem if I have to start from scratch and approach this in a completely new direction that what I had planned, but I just cannot seem to get my head around what I need to do.
Any help appreciated, thanks.