• Editor
  • After Effects and Photoshop export script for Spine

I've got to say Thank You for introducing me to Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit! I had no idea there was an interactive debugger. Wonderful!

However, I get no such error as you report.

Additionally, I have spent at least an hour using Google to search for "Not well-formed (invalid token)" as it pertains to Adobe Scripting, and have not found anything useful. It does appear that most people who report such a problem are running Windows, and the script works for others. So I feel there's something environmental causing your issue here, not a bug in the syntax of the script.

I do not have access yet to a Windows environment to do any testing there.
Has anyone out there used this script successfully in Windows After Effects?

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Hi Nimai!
I am using windows10 and using AE2014CC, before my language is set chinese, so run the script is failed, then I am set the language is English, now export the .Json file, I am use spine and LoadData the json is success, but i dont know that images are where?What can I to do?

I just want have a tutorial, like step-by-step instructions on how use AE and export images, thank you.

Thank you for the information about language settings! Maybe this will help others as well. And, ideally, the script would work in any language.

Regarding a tutorial, you are not the first person to ask for that. I'd hoped someone would make such a tutorial. For now, here's a start. I'll add to this as more users share their experiences here.



Does he mean language of after effects or the language settings in the jsx file?
Either way, my after effects is Eng and so is the json file.

Ohye! Thanks!

23 giorni dopo

I've been meaning to post a step by step procedure of After Effects to Spine. I finally got around to compiling the steps here:

After Effects to Spine - Step by Step

Feel free to add helpful comments/additions. It's just a draft but hopefully a helpful start.

un mese dopo


I'm also having problems with the export script.

Running AE CC 2015 on a Win7 machine. Whenever I run the script, an error occurs: "Script can not be executed in line 1251. Undefined is is not an object."

Any suggestions, what's could be the cause?

I know of someone, who has successfully used the export script on AE CC 2014 and my AE composition exports fine on his WIN machine.

EDIT: Alright, I found the problem. The script runs fine, once you have switched your AE to english. Living in Germany, it automatically installed as german version. Been googling for how to switch language and that little bit helped.

2 mesi dopo

It will not be able to run the ae_to_spine.jsx script with an error.
Please tell me the cause.

OS X Yosemite
Version 10.10.5

AfterEffects CC 2015 (13.7)

Export After Effects to Spine JSON
Version 46

:puke: :puke: :puke:

That's strange. The line it's stopped on is inside of a try-catch block...
I can help more if you are able to email me a zip of the After Effects project. I will private message you.

I have the same problem. But on one machine everything is OK, and the other does not work/ Not work on win10 ae13.7
If you know what the problem is, please let me know

It would also be cool if the script was like a validator. To output window with errors in the project, for example - "you are using in the layer number 10 tint effect, on export this is skiped"

I like that idea of listing everything that was found which is not supported! I will look into that.

For apcdytc's error, I believe this is the solution:
You are using the ExtendScript Toolkit.
Make sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!

ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions

8 mesi dopo
Nimai ha scritto

That's strange. The line it's stopped on is inside of a try-catch block...
I can help more if you are able to email me a zip of the After Effects project. I will private message you.

Hey Nimai!

Just wondered whether you found a solution?
Cause I would love to use it! But I keep getting that error (see attachment).

My operating system is OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 | Using script 46 | Adobe AE CC 2017.1

Thanks in advance!

I see you too are running the script from the ExtendScript Toolkit. Did you already try what I wrote in the last post?

Nimai ha scritto

Make sure you have Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions checked!

ExtendScript Toolkit | Debug | ✓ Do Not Break on Guarded Exceptions

thanks for the quick reply!

unfortunately i´m completly new to this and just opened the extendscript toolkit because of a previous post…

now i did run it again following your instructions but nothing changed… maybe i´m doing it wrong?!

please help :S

3 mesi dopo

Error: "Unable to execute at line 1966. Function Object.create is undefined"

Not sure what is causing it, could have something to do with me not having the original lib files; had to make them.

2 anni dopo

<q> Export After Effects to Spine JSON
Version 46

Where did you found the Version 46? In the gitHub repository you can only find the 44

un mese dopo
5 mesi dopo

please help !
Export After Effects to Spine JSON error ...

Please give me the new version for AE 2018