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  1. 如果您想在新电脑上使用Spine,您可以直接在新电脑上安装并激活您的许可证。旧电脑上的登录信息会自动被系统丢弃。
  2. 如果您需要更改许可证的电子邮件地址或激活码,请发送电子邮件至 contact@esotericsoftware.com,提供相关信息以便他们帮助您进行更改。
  3. 如果您无法访问购买Spine时使用的电子邮件,您可以通过 Spine许可证恢复页面 来找回您的许可证页面。


18 giorni dopo


  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

    teleixi Just simply let us know that you would like to change your activation code. We will then issue a new code and get back to you.

    I have successfully changed it, can you help me to get the computers that I have logged in before to go offline, or will the computers that have logged in before with the old activation code automatically go offline with this new activation code?

    • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

      teleixi Unfortunately, in accordance with GDPR, we only collect anonymous information, so we do not know exactly which PC Spine was used on, and we cannot trace the computer you previously used.

      The old activation code has already been deactivated, and the Spine editor it activated will be automatically logged out after a certain amount of time. This is handled automatically by our licensing system, regardless of whether you actually used the new activation code or not.