• Editor
  • Suggestion: Hotkey for Flip X in Editor

For many sidescroller projects, it's necessary to flip the sprite horizontally. However, there are cases when us, as artists, don't realize some fine mistakes in the pose when we focus on the character in their default scale. Characters angled semi-front are especially prone to that kind of artistic error (e.g. they may lean more forward than we intended).

I would like the Editor to have a Button / Hotkey to flip the canvas horizontally, instead of resorting to scaling the root bone's X value by -1.0.

  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio
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    Currently, Spine does not have a built-in feature to flip the canvas horizontally in the editor. The common method to achieve a horizontal flip is by setting the scale of the root bone's X value to -1.0. This approach is used at runtime and is planned to be integrated into the editor in the future. The request for a hotkey or button to flip the canvas is noted, and similar suggestions have been made by other users. The development team is aware of the demand for such features, and they are on the roadmap for future updates.

    skarasuko Thanks for your suggestion! As mentioned in Spinebot's response, we actually have an idea on our roadmap to add the ability to flip the viewport using hotkeys: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor853

    I have added a link to that thread in the comments section of the issue ticket. You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.