Nate ha scrittotriangles
is assigned in initWithCapacity
and then never changed. How did you get it to be 0? :wonder:
Sorry just dbl checked Xcode mis-lead me triangles has a address with a value of 0 at its location, not triangles = nil.
If it helps the problem is occurring on a scene transition, so maybe the polygon batch flush is happening on something that has become deallocated?
Update: found the code thats causing problem (being run on init scene)....
this->angelActivityAnim = SkeletonAnimation::createWithFile("spine/angel-activity.json", "spine/angel-activity.atlas", 1);
this->angelActivityAnim->setAnimation(0, "flying", true);
this->angelActivityAnim->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height - 40));
spSkeleton_setSkinByName(this->angelActivityAnim->skeleton, "off");
this->angelActivityAnim->setScale(Director::getInstance()->getContentScaleFactor() * 0.25);
Ive added anim file as attachment if helps...