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  • 关于物理约束作用范围的问题


  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio
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    Aliya The physics constraints are always influenced by the parent bone, it is not possible for the child bones with physics constraints to not move as long as the parent bone is moving, even if you have disabled the Inherit options. However, it is possible to prevent the physics constraint from moving at all by setting Mix to 0. If you don't want physics to react only at certain times, try setting Mix to 0 during the animation.

    It is also possible to limit the range of change in how much the bones move by adjusting the Limit property.

    The default value is 5000, which is a very generous number, so if you want to reduce the amount of movement, look at setting this to a smaller value, such as 100 or 500.

    • Aliya ha risposto a questo messaggio

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