Problem statement
Uniti2 post da 萌新求助!!!!.
Davide 好的,非常抱歉,我现在已经解决了,是最新版本的问题,我现在回到4.2.33就没有这个问题了.然后我想问下,关于性能开销,我的角色立绘Spine动画,会因为我的网格顶点过多,导致性能开销巨大吗,这个数量级大概是多少
It's usually better to open a new thread for completely different questions, so that other users can benefit from the content of the discussion.
Have you read the https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-metrics
guide page? It talks about the topic you just asked about. Once you read it let us know if you have additional questions about it.
We have just released Spine 4.2.35 which fixes the polygon packing issue. Thanks for reporting this issue!