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  • Ilios ~ Betrayal of Gods. Action-adventure 2D Game

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Hi everybody !
We are Aurora Studio, French Indies, and we want to present our game under developpement called Ilios, Betrayal of Gods.

Ilios is an action-adventure game where the player will control Politès, one of the last Trojan prince. Left for dead in front of Poseidon statue during Troy War, the God of the Oceans resurrects him. Politès wakes with a divine arm allowing it to launch energy waves and a helmet granting the power to discover what a god can see. With these new powers Politès wants to know why Poseidon didn't protect the city and why himself has been resurrected.

Here you can find a video of the game "WIP" demo presented on the last video game festival Stunfest in France : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tj34TqUsTE

During conventions, we speak about our animation process and we talk a lot about Spine. You can find a sample of our Minotaur, animated with Spine. You can blend animations by pressing spacebar to chain Idle to Walk. By pressing "i" you can see the impact of a bullet on the shoulder's Minotaur. You can press repeatly 🙂

We use extensively Spine and Spine Runtimes in Unity and we are very happy with it ! We made a lot of experimentations with other animation tools and Spine is the best choice for our artistic direction and gameplay features.


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We have a lot of "in process" questions and we hope Spine community will help us. A big thanks to Nate and Shiu for his tool and support !

Some screenshots :

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If you want to know more about Ilios,


If you have questions, don't hesitate !

Looks really nice! I'm not sure what is going on when the flash comes? It's like an alternate reality? Maybe could use some knockback on the enemy and player when they are hit.

Unrelated, do you have your browser set to French by default? If so, does this show up in French for you?
Does the French text read ok? 🙂

Thanks Nate! This is a game we work on during our spare time and it is a work in progress,
especially the main character which is very rough right now but playable.
And he will be more than knocked back by the minotaur believe me :devil:

As for the flash, it gets you in the divine world, you can use this power to avoid your enemies or unveil hidden gods help.

We have designed an animation production flow around Spine and began with the minotaur. We will be using Spine all the way
we can, in particular using FFD animations.
Last month we went to Polymanga (Montreux, Switzerland) with our Unity and Spine editors to showcase the game and how we make it.
We had a lot of questions about Spine, people were very interested by the quality of what gets out of it.

We also made a presentation at UUGA#5 about 2d animation workflow and tools for Unity, presenting Spine
you can also try a small test we made up for this occasion, here: http://www.ilios-thegame.com/ilios/Demo/Build.html

As for the French version, my browser is in FR by default and I was pleased to see the site changes.
There is an accent missing on "Bibliothèques" and I would use "Tester" instead of "Essayer maintenant" or something like "Evaluer Spine".
There are several other glitches, but maybe I can send you a private message for this.

Wow that test you linked is really impressive, much clearer than the video. Nice use of FFD on the belly and hammer! :o

Thanks for showing off Spine, that sounds great! 🙂 Any chance your presentations were taped?

Cool, I hadn't actually tested that the site changes to the browser language, good to know it does. 🙂 I've made the corrections you suggested. Any other corrections are more than welcome, either here or via email. contact@esotericsoftware.com Actually, here is the translation file if that is easier:

That 3d effect you get, seeing the belly move through the gap of the hand and the hammer, is really really cool. Very subtle FFD on the hammer to give a slight 3d rotation helps to add to the effect. Nice work !

Thanks, we will share our progress as often as possible with the Spine community to have feedback and exchange about animation techniques.

Looks awesome! can't wait to see more! :yes:

That's a really impressive artwork.
I wish I could paint scenarios like this.

Very impressive artwork!

Wow, you guys have done an amazing work.

Just let me tell you that the greek characters for betrayal used in the logo do not make much sense (I'm from Greece so I felt the urge to tell you, no offense meant)

The artwork is amazing , can't wait to play your game 🙂

Thanks for all your messages 🙂
I'm Damien, Game Designer of Ilios and i'm very glad to see our reactions !

We recorded a presentation at an Unity User Group about animations techniques, but the video is in French. We translated our Power Point and we can make it available.

Thanks OrestesKor, there are no problems, it's always very interesting to discuss some choices 🙂
So what do you mean by "the logo do not make much sense"? Our desire is not to remake a perfect representation that can be seen on pottery of ancient Greece but to bring a style in silhouette as black figures in our own way.

4 giorni dopo

Sorry, I should be more specific. The art style is amazing, I was refering to the typeface of Betrayal where some greek letters used, such as Σ or Ψ cannot be really translated as E or Y.

6 giorni dopo

Hello again,

We have finished translating the powerpoint doc of the presentation we made at a Unity User group in May.
We would like to share it with the Spine community and maybe our feedback will help someone out there.

Here it is in French and English :
http://www.ilios-thegame.com/press/Pres ... ncais.ppsx
http://www.ilios-thegame.com/press/Pres ... glish.ppsx

And the video to see things in action :

We are very happy to see more and more nice games animated using Spine on this forum, this is great!

P.S. Concerning the greek letters, I totally agree with you about the meaning and we will rework the title very soon :nod:

Thanks for sharing the English slideshow. It has a nice collection of fancy cutout games and a good comparison of cutout tools. The sketches are nice too! It's always neat to see how the art progresses and how the animations are developed. 🙂

4 mesi dopo

Very Impressive!! Amazing work! Thanks for sharing.

3 mesi dopo

Hi everyone !

So we post some photos of the differents conventions we made during the last 2014 quarter. We met a lot of people who played and enjoyed the demo, had great discussion, gave us good feedbacks ! We want to share this experience with the Spine community because we talk a lot about this awesome software and we want to introduce it to many people and indie studio as possible.

Our stand in TGS (Toulouse Game Show) last week end of november. We presented Ilios with a demo on Pc and PsVita, Animation Technics with Spine and Real-time drawing and assets creation with our Artistic Director.

Discussion and support of Paul Cuisset, legendary creator of "Flashback". He is very humble and sweet, he likes a lot our universe ! Very cool moment 🙂

Good moments with Frederic Reynal, creator of "Alone in the Dark". He was amazed by the universe and the graphics of the game. Unfortunately he didn't have much time to stay on the stand but He promised to watch Ilios.

We presented our artbook with design process and research. People are curious and ask lot of questions about bestiary.

A fan create this incredible sculpture. It represents the second boss of Ilios : Charybde.

We explain during conventions how work Spine and how we use it to create animation. We don't hesitate to show differents features and people are stun when they saw FFD. Often people imagine we use 3D for some elements like belly or hammer on the Minotaur.

During convention, in one or two hours, Stefano create some chara-design and research posing for combat. Here we can see a first draft of Artemis, Goddess of Nature and hunt.

We met Kazuma Teshigahara, Senior chara-designer of Street Fighter 4 during a convention in Nantes. A very humble artist who has loved to play Ilios and exchange about our game design, art and game feel. We are honoured to met a personality like him. ありがとうございます

So to finish, the art of our main character : Politès. We had a lot of work to transcribe all his animations from our line test in traditional animation but it's a good challenge ! Thanks to Spine for your incredible software and on a future update, we will show you some animations !

Thanks for sharing the pics, it looks really cool!

un mese dopo

We work on a new ennemy : a medical drone called the Ïater !

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WIP animation and color

6 giorni dopo

I recently held a workshop on using Spine and during the workshop showing a couple of examples on how to use FFD. This was one of them. Really love the way you use FFD to give the blood a 3d effect 😃