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  • Is there a way to check spine version in skel or json files with CLI ?

Is there a way to check spine version in skel or json files with command line interface?

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Hi , I tried this Command line [ spine -i path ] , but errors occured returning:
the spine version: null
The Spine version must be the same version that exported the data file.

`Zoc-MacBook-Pro:~ z$ /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -i /Users/z/Desktop/test/d.skel
Spine Launcher 4.1.12
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X x86_64 10.13.6
Starting: Spine 4.1.23 Professional
Spine 4.1.23 Professional
Licensed to: <removed> Project info: null
Spine version: null
Dopesheet FPS: 30
Skeleton: d
Size: <unknown>

Zoc-MacBook-Pro:~ z$ /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -i /Users/z/Desktop/test/b.skel
Spine Launcher 4.1.12
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X x86_64 10.13.6
Starting: Spine 4.1.23 Professional
Spine 4.1.23 Professional
Licensed to: <removed> ERROR: Unable to read project info.
[error] Error loading skeleton file:
at s.LXH.(:55)
at s.LXH.(:322)
at s.Qri.(:33)
Cause: [error] Error reading file: /Users/z/Desktop/test/b.skel
Binary version: 4.0.47
Spine version: 4.1.23
The Spine version must be the same version that exported the data file.
at s.kwN.(:179)
at s.LXH.(:50) ...
Cause: [aioob] Index 62 out of bounds for length 8
at s.Jgd.(:393)
at s.Jgd.(:379)
at s.Jgd.(:286)
at s.Jgd.(:138)
at s.kwN.(:156) ...

Ah, binary is very sensitive to the editor or runtime version that exported the file. That makes it somewhat problematic for the editor to list info about the file.

Your first file loaded but seems to be so old that it doesn't have the editor version in it. You can see the version near the start of the binary file if you open it with a text editor (or hex editor). If you post it here we could help, or email it to us: contact@esotericsoftware.com

Your second file couldn't be loaded, but the version was read and shown in the error message:

Cause: [error] Error reading file: /Users/z/Desktop/test/b.skel
Binary version: 4.0.47
Spine version: 4.1.23
The Spine version must be the same version that exported the data file.

You can try reading it with the matching version:

Spine -u 4.0.47 -i /Users/z/Desktop/test/b.skel

It returned [ Spine version: null ] with the match version.

192:~ z$ /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -u 4.0.47 -i /Users/z/Desktop/test/b.skel
Spine Launcher 4.1.12
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X x86_64 10.13.6
Starting: Spine 4.0.47 Professional
Spine 4.0.47 Professional
Licensed to: <removed> Project info: null
Spine version: null
Dopesheet FPS: 30
Skeleton: b
Size: <unknown>

When loading JSON or binary for info or import, it gets converted internally to a Spine project. We did some tests and it's a bug that the JSON or binary editor version doesn't make it into the Spine project. We'll fix that in 4.2. Same problem with the path that should be after Project info:.

The "size" is the AABB of the setup pose. Normally the editor calculates this, but it doesn't get a chance when just printing the project information. We'll fix this too!

After Size: should be some lines about the bones in the skeleton. I guess you omitted those? After that more lines are printed about slots, skins, events, etc but only if the skeleton contains those items.

Hopefully you've got what you needed. At least your one skeleton came from 4.0.47, so you can use the latest 4.0 version to import the data to a Spine project, if that is your goal. You can than inspect the skeleton in the editor. You could also use Skeleton Viewer (be sure to use 4.0) to look at the skeleton data directly.