SilverStraw I think Godot runtime should have BoundingBoxAttachments and SkeletonBounds. Debug Bounding Boxes setting on the SpineSprite can already draws the bounding box attachment but they aren't exposed in GDscript. SkeletonBounds could be added to SpineSprite or SpineSkeleton like new_skin constructor. A Vector2Array could be populated from the bounding box vertices and then passed into Godot CollisionPolygon2D set_polygon method.
SilverStraw After some copying and pasting code, I added GDscript function to get the bounding box vertices as: SpineSprite.get_skeleton().find_slot("slot name").get_bounding_box_vertices() In this video I used the vertices to set the Polygon2d node's shape.
Mario Oh, very cool! I'll try to get to exposing at least bounding box attachment soon. Currently working on getting physics constraints into the spine-cpp runtime 😃