I'm following a demo code in getting Spine-TS runtime to work with my project. I'll put the original demo code and the one I localized for myself below as a pastebin link. As what the title says, I'm trying to get more than one skeleton to draw on the screen. My setup is there's one <canvas> in the html (that's what the code below refers to). Right now, what happens is, if run:
vnX.spinexLoad('character01', 'character01', 'images/spines/')
It works fine. I have a code that destroys it too, and running it again is fine. However, if I run the above, then after I see the spine character animating on screen, and run the following to get another character there:
vnX.spinexLoad('character02', 'character02', 'images/spines/')
It looks as if character02 just replaced character01 on screen. I checked the spinexRender() function and have it spit out the spinekey passed to it, it's showing both character01 and character02, meaning the spinexRender() is running both of them. So how would I go about displaying the 2 animating characters on the same canvas (if that's possible)?