After following the unity-spine youtube tutorial, I exported from spine and then imported to unity. All of that worked fine, however once I add the game object itself, I experience a few issues.
The sprite is extremely blurry even at native size and if I try resizing (staying blurry) the aspect ratio is not respected. Perhaps these are settings which can be configured but I was sadly unable to locate said settings in the Spine GameObject.
Here's a side-by-side comparison between my regular sprite and the one from spine:

I am new to Spine so if the answer was right in my face, I do apologize in advance.
Nevertheless, any help is more than appreciated.

    Related Discussions

    RogueWars Thank you for watching our tutorial video! Are you saying that the image is packed at scale 1.0 but has a lower resolution than the original? If you are not sure where the scale value is determined when packing textures, please refer to this page of the Spine user guide:

    At most of times, it is better to use the Preview section for a skeleton data asset to check if the skeleton has been exported and imported correctly, before instantiating:
    You can move the mouse wheel in the Preview section to adjust the zoom level:

    If the resolution of your skeleton is obviously low at Preview, the pack settings from Spine may be not appropriate, or the image quality may have been automatically reduced when importing into Unity. If it's fine in the preview but be low-res when instantiated in the scene, please send us via email a zip package of the minimal Unity project that can reproduce the problem:

      RogueWars The screenshot looks as if you have a low-resolution pixel-art atlas texture, but have set the atlas texture import setting Filter Mode to use Bilinear interpolation, while it should be set to Nearest Neighbour for pixel art.

      Please note that if you want these same settings at every imported Spine atlas texture, you can assign your own texture preset at Atlas Texture Settings in the Spine Preferences window in Unity:

        Misaki The exported file has the correct resolution and looks crisp, the problem happens when importing to unity (and yes the preview itself is low quality).

        Harald I copied the preset into Assets and am trying to make my own preset. However Nearest Neighbour does not seem to be an option... Am I missing something?

        • Harald ha risposto a questo messaggio

          I figured out that these settings fix the blurriness issue:

          That being said, is there a way to maintain aspect ratio when resizing the Spine GameObject?

          RogueWars However Nearest Neighbour does not seem to be an option... Am I missing something?

          Sorry, my fault, it is called Point (no filter) here in the import settings instead of Nearest Neighbour.

          RogueWars and if I try resizing (staying blurry) the aspect ratio is not respected.

          The aspect ratio should always be respected when using Layout Scale Mode Fit in Parent at the SkeletonGraphic component and resize the 2D rectangle via the standard rect-tool in Unity (with the blue dots at each corner) . Could you please show or describe how you are resizing your SkeletonGraphic object?

            Harald Yes I figured out how to do it properly with the SkeletonGraphic GameObject, however I was asking about the SkeletonAnimation GameObject that I shall be using in other scenes. I tried Transform and Rect Transform, but neither seem to give me the option to preserve aspect when resizing the SkeletonAnimation GameObject

              RogueWars Maybe I don't fully understand your question, but if you simply want to scale while keeping the ratio, there are a number of ways to do that. For example, as shown in the following video, you can use the link icon next to the Scale values and then change the scale value of any of XYZ, choose the Rect Tool and hold down the shift key and drag the bounding box, or simply use the Scale Tool.

              Or do you want to scale skeleton game objects in some other way?

                RogueWars Harald Yes I figured out how to do it properly with the SkeletonGraphic GameObject, however I was asking about the SkeletonAnimation GameObject that I shall be using in other scenes.

                Oh, I assumed you were talking about SkeletonGraphic according to your screenshots. You kept this secret from us until the end 😉.

                RogueWars I tried Transform and Rect Transform, but neither seem to give me the option to preserve aspect when resizing the SkeletonAnimation GameObject

                When using a Transform, a SkeletonAnimation GameObject behaves just as any normal mesh (a cube for example). If you scale the transform uniformly as Misaki has shown above, the skeleton will scale uniformly as well. If any of your parent Transform nodes has non-uniform scale (e.g. 2, 1, 1), all nodes below it will be scaled non-uniformly as well.

                Could you perhaps show what your problematic setup looks like, and what you would like to achieve?

                Since you mentioned RectTransform: In general it is not advisable to use RectTransform as parents of non-UI elements like SkeletonAnimation. When using RectTransform (UI elements), SkeletonGraphic is the suitable component. Likely you know that already, just mentioning to make sure.

                  Misaki Ah now I get it, I'll use that trick from now on.
                  Harald Yeah I do apologize for not being clear, I am also kind of new to the unity platform...
                  Nevertheless, thanks to both of you for having the patience to help me out 🙂

                  @RogueWars No need to apologize, it can happen easily when writing or editing such postings. Glad it helped!