• Editor
  • Global Updates to Notches

Hi all,
Is there a way to make a global update to an object within a Spine Project?
An example being; if you have multiple slots that have been tinted, say pink,but each of those change colour to white.

Would it be possible to easily change all the slot from pink to another colour without having to go through each keyframe to update the colour?

Right now have to go to each frame that is keyed with that colour to change it which is very time-consuming.

Related Discussions

We do have this for rotate, translate, scale, shear by using the key adjust feature in the dopesheet. Unfortunately it doesn't apply to color keys. We will add that in 4.2.

Hi Nate,
OMW that would be an amazing feature to include - I've had to do this countless times - would be a huge time saver 😃

2 anni dopo

Hi Nate, is there any traction on this at all?

  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

    supsupsup Unfortunately, we have not yet started working on a feature that would allow you to manage colors for multiple slots. Here is an issue ticket for this enhancement: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor347
    You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.