希望spine在未来的版本更新中在为图表提供规格化功能。将关键帧显示为 -11 范围的曲线、以轻松编辑不同范围的多条曲线。如果已经有这个功能或者已经有用户反馈了、请允许我说一声抱歉、我没有找到它。

Software translation:It is hoped that Spine will provide normalization functionality for charts in future releases. Display curves in normalized range from -1 to 1, for easier editing of multiple curves with different ranges. If this feature is already available or there is user feedback, please allow me to say sorry, I didn't find it.

  • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio
    Related Discussions

    Voice-of-Shadow 感谢您分享您的意见! 实际上,添加规范化视图是我们的想法之一。 Nate 在以下主题中提到了它:https://esotericsoftware.com/forum/d/14950-batch-application-of-graphs-to-reduce-work-time/3
    它是在添加 Curves 视图之前发布的,我们相信 Curves 视图现在在一定程度上有助于编辑曲线形状。 我认为添加规范化视图的想法仍然很棒,但恐怕我们无法准确回答何时可以实现。

    Thank you for sharing your opinion! Actually, adding a normalized view is one of the ideas we have. Nate mentioned it in the following thread: https://esotericsoftware.com/forum/d/14950-batch-application-of-graphs-to-reduce-work-time/3
    It was posted before adding the Curves view, and we believe the Curves view now helps editing curve shapes to some extent. I think the idea of adding a normalized view is still great, but I'm afraid that we cannot answer exactly when it can be realized.