属于2个皮肤的2个骨骼下的两个不同网格组件,互相没有网格链接, 我在其中一个网格编辑了关键帧 另一个网格组件也会增加一个关键帧(初始状态的),这两个网格组件互相没有联系。。

导致我在其中一个皮肤的专属骨骼里编辑完一个网格动画 另一个皮肤里的专属骨骼里的网格组件一堆初始关键帧。。
很奇怪 像是BUG

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I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Unfortunately, I am not sure what situation you described, perhaps due to the machine translation. Could you please show us some screenshots of the Tree view showing how the link meshes are used? Alternatively, you can send us the Spine project via email so that we can confirm the problem: contact@esotericsoftware.com

  • enjack ha risposto a questo messaggio
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    Misaki 我发现了问题了
    是 自动关键帧 的一个BUG
    当激活自动关键帧, 编辑一个皮肤内专属骨骼的网格关键帧时, 其他皮肤的专属骨骼下在这个时间下若存在可编辑的网格时,会自动打上一次关键帧(初始状态) 导致扰乱了其他皮肤的关键帧 ()

    但是我不用自动关键帧 手动打帧的话 就没有问题了 其他皮肤就不会打上额外的关键帧了

    后续又尝试了下 确实只有不同皮肤的专属骨骼下的网格组件才会有这个问题

    • Misaki ha risposto a questo messaggio

      enjack 谢谢你的解释。然而,我不得不说,我还是不明白你所描述的情况。你不能把链接的网格放在任何地方,只能放在同一个槽里,而且与它们绑定的骨骼也会是一样的。如果链接网格的绑定骨骼在一个皮肤中是天生的,而在其他皮肤中不是,那么网格就会被搞乱,但如果你指的是这种情况,那就说明只是天生的设置有问题,而不是一个错误。从你的描述来看,你似乎能够在你的终端100%地重现这个问题,所以你能不能给我们发一个最小的Spine项目来证实这个问题?: contact@esotericsoftware.com

      Thank you for your explanation. However, I am afraid to say but I still do not understand the situation you are describing. You can't put linked meshes anywhere but the same slot, and the bound bones to them will be the same. If the bound bones to the linked meshes were skinborn in a skin and not in others, the mesh would be messed up, but if you are referring to that situation, it would be that just the skinborn settings are wrong and not a bug. From your description you seems to be able to reproduce the problem 100% on your end, so could you please send us a minimal Spine project that confirms the problem?: contact@esotericsoftware.com


      Thank you for sending the video, now I understand what you meant. However, first let me add this thing: When using skin bones, its children should be in the same skin. In the case of the project in the video you sent us, you should create skin placeholders so that the mesh attachment 1 in the skin 1 and the mesh attachment 2 in the skin 2 and this should solve the problem. Deform keys set for a mesh attachment affects other mesh attachments in a different skin is indeed a strange behavior, but it is a problem that can only happen with the wrong setup, so rather than correcting this, we might add a warning for the wrong setup. Anyway, we will investigate the cause.

      • enjack ha risposto a questo messaggio
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        Misaki thank you it works