• Spine Animation


Great to know about your requirement of Spine Animator for your esteemed studio.

For introducing myself I have 12+ years professional Animation experience. I had worked in many "AAA" titled games viz. Disney Heros' Battle Mode (Perblue), Lost Land Adventure (Namco Bandai), Guilty Geard Xrd (Arc System), Zoo Country (Beachcooler Games), Avatar (Microsoft) etc.

Currently working as a freelance animator. I had worked with many Animation Studios' in Delhi, India. Our clients were mainly from USA, Japan etc. In my last association I worked on Disney Heroes' in battle mode for Disney.

I have been working in Spine for more than five years. I have rigged 300 plus characters and their animation. My animation workflow is 2d classical animation style.

You can look at my showreel of my spine animation cycles:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK2vIZMo1Pg (Disney works)

https://vimeo.com/443728241 (Dragonsoul works)

https://vimeo.com/213541216 (Freelance works)

I can also work on cutting/slicing the character plus high quality rig of based model to make it compatible for Sprite Animation. If you already have fully rigged characters then it will also be great to animate these characters.

I hope you will find my works suitable to your requirements.

My rate is 15$ per hour.

I am available to work on remote basis. Looking forward to your positive response,

Thanks and best regards,

Rajesh Gupta

cc: skype Id is rajeshkeyframer @ gmail . com (remove space)
email id: rajeshkeyframer @ gmail . com (remove space)

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Great work, I'll be in touch

Thank you!
You are most welcome!

16 giorni dopo

Hello Yohami,

Thank you very much that you have selected me.

I have joined your Slack. Please give me a brief about it.


Im chatting to you there :-)