good morning Erikari, (Here in Germany anyway)
first: thank you for wanting to help me.
I plan to build a rotating earth. For this I use a flat texture, which I move behind a round mask.
A similar problem is described here:
Animate 2D planet
Apart from the fact that the texture would have to be distorted to make it appear more realistic, there are many small corners in the "circle" because of the straight lines.
my idea was: maybe you could add, that you could simulate a kind of curve and then draw it with straight lines, so that you can choose how many corners the "curve" may have. then it wouldn't be a curve in the true sense, but you could refine the optics with many little straights.
i solved the problem myself by placing a lot of short straight lines manualy as a mask. but while i'm at it, would you also have an idea how i can optimize the flat look? if i only drag the texture behind the round mask, it looks relatively fake. it looks like i'm looking through a hole at a flat image. do you have any idea how i can deform the texture so that it looks more like a sphere when i pull the texture behind the mask?
I could also attach a file, but I'm at work at the moment and would have to do it later. but maybe that was well explained now
thank you
greetings from germany