• Bugs
  • OS X: improper distribution, package, bad installer

  1. OS X software should be bundled to be safe for its users.

  2. OS X software bundle can be signed with proper certificate from Apple Mac Developer program.

  3. Bundled and signed software can be AND SHOULD BE distributed via App Store.

  4. X11 should not be required to run. X11 is deprecated by Apple for TWO YEARS! There is not certainty, that bought Spine will be working properly because of requirement for outdated technology.

  5. PKG installer needing ADMIN password for making changes to filesystem is BAD. This is security breach.

  6. There is NO UNINSTALLER![/b

How user can remove Spine from his computer?

  1. All of this could be avoided, if Spine would be distributed as a proper app bundle.
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I always thought you just had to delete the thing from the Applications folder in OSX to uninstall something (which has always made uninstalling stuff in OSX weird to me, though I am aware of some programs that DO have an uninstaller. They seem to be the exception rather than the norm).
On the other hand, it's not like Spine integrates into the OS in any way.

I suppose some of these are valid points though. Security stuff maybe? Old tech dependencies?
I've also always wondered what X11 was.

The point about the app store isn't quite right though. It's a convenience to the user and maybe to the devs too, at a cost, but, for what openness is left in the OSX platform, it's the developers' choice where and how to distribute and sell their programs the same way it's a game developer's choice where and how to sell their games.

I hope Nate is able to ease some of your concerns but I think doing some of these things will require a lot of time and there are also many of us excited for some great new features that are actually useful for game development.

But that's just my two cents as a passer by; Ease up, dude.

piotr ha scritto

1. OS X software should be bundled to be safe for its users.

  1. OS X software bundle can be signed with proper certificate from Apple Mac Developer program.

I agree that the OS X distribution for Spine could be done better, eg it could be signed. However, it does work as-is so I don't see it being a high priority issue. There are many, many more important things that need to be done.

3. Bundled and signed software can be AND SHOULD BE distributed via App Store.

Saying all OS X applications should be distributed via the App Store is pretty silly. Same with using ALL CAPS. :giggle:

4. X11 should not be required to run. X11 is deprecated by Apple for TWO YEARS! There is not certainty, that bought Spine will be working properly because of requirement for outdated technology.

X11 is only required if using "Spine.app", which uses OpenJDK which is what relies on X11. If you don't like that, petition Apple to properly support Java on their OS (as they used to do before a bunch of politics with Google and Oracle). You can use "Spine (system Java).app" to run Spine using the system Java, which doesn't rely on X11.

5. PKG installer needing ADMIN password for making changes to filesystem is BAD. This is security breach.


  1. There is NO UNINSTALLER!

Correct. It is standard on OS X to uninstall by deleting the application bundle. The only time an uninstaller is necessary is if installation does something outside the bundle that needs to be undone. This is not the case with Spine.

7. All of this could be avoided, if Spine would be distributed as a proper app bundle.

All of what could have been avoided? I see very little here that actually affects users negatively, mostly just that it would be better if the bundle were signed. Even then, no one else has ever complained that it isn't signed.

Edit: I think I have self signing working, so that should help.


Nate ha scritto

Saying all OS X applications should be distributed via the App Store is pretty silly.

I did not said "all OS X apps", but "bundled and signed". If you do some research, you quickly find that App Store is really useful for developers and users. Publishing via Apple gives easy access to thousands of customers, and whole distribution infrastructure managed by Apple (testing, certification, distribution, license management, payment and taxes management 🙂)

For users, bundled software is convenient, easy to install (one click), easy to uninstall, trustworthy, does not need admin privileges, verified by Apple, and so on. But I understand, that Java has a problem with that, because Oracle wants to control user's computer.


Nate ha scritto

You can use "Spine (system Java).app" to run Spine using the system Java, which doesn't rely on X11.

Then why the other app with X11 requirement? Why Spine has two apps? Which one should I use to be sure?


Nate ha scritto

The only time an uninstaller is necessary is if installation does something outside the bundle that needs to be undone. This is not the case with Spine.

Then why app needs an installer? Why not to let run it directly? This is all based on your promise 🙂 But when installer has given admin acces, user can't really be sure what this installer does to his OS.

This is not the case, when app is bundled (and optionally signed). Only these kind of apps are 100% safe and user can be sure, no harm to OS has been done.

Self signing can be possible only in Java world - where developer makes statement, that his app is his only and no one else's (look @Android, for example). And this is just stupid, that's why Android world is so full of trojans and botnets.

Real certification requires chain of authority and trust. In case of OS X, Apple generates certificate for developer. And how many viruses and trojans is there in App Store? About zero.

Spine will never be distributed through the Apple app store.

Running with the system Java allows for better file dialogs and doesn't need X11. However, the system Java could be replaced with an incompatible version by the user or Apple (eg the Java 7 fiasco), removed by the user or Apple, or otherwise broken. When running with the bundled Java, I have control over what Java is used and it means Spine will always work, even if it requires X11.

An installer is used because you must accept the license agreement before installation. Apple's built-in installer is Apple's way of installing apps, yet you still complain about it. You seem to be complaining simply because you enjoy doing it. If this thread continues to be unproductive, it will be locked.