• recent job ad

Hi there,

I have a few quick questions about the job ad you just posted.
Will all art assets be provided or will new ones be needed to fit the animations you're looking for? What kind of budget do you have in mind?

I'm an animator with 14 years experience in tv and games. Mostly Flash but I started with Spine about a year and a half ago. I'm familiar with both simple rigging(paper doll-like animations) and more complex work like emulating 3D movement with flat 2D elements.

You can check out some of my work here.

If you'd like to see a bit of my Spine work I have an in progress character with more complex rigging. It's for an action platformer game but the artwork is quite large and detailed and I've rigged it for subtler movements like breathing and slight body turns/twists.
I don't have a video of it up online at the moment but if you can give me an idea of what you're looking to see(rigging?) then I can put together a quick video example, or we can chat over skype and I can screen share.

I hope I'm the right guy for the job 🙂

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That all sounds good to me. I've worked on a couple adult animated movies a while back so I'm perfectly comfortable animating things like the examples you've sent. Speaking of which, I noticed a meter filling up in the second example. Is there any liquid fx I'd be animating? Also, how will payments be handled?

Also, if you choose me to work on this my only stipulation is that my name not be attached to the game in any way. The vast majority of my freelance work is kids tv shows and I really don't want to affect that.

I'd be ready to go on this project as early as later this evening and I work days and evenings on freelance projects like this 5-7 days a week. You can expect updates every day or two or as often as you request them. I'm available on Skype and Google's chat/Hangouts throughout the day and most of the evening.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or anything else I can provide you with. I look forward to hearing back from you.

I just tossed some examples of a simple rig and a more complex rig being animated up here

The simple rig animations have some small errors here and there like arms slightly detaching or some smearing of an outline. We decided these were acceptable for this project as the final product would have the characters smaller than thumbsize, and there was a very large amount of animations per character(20+ characters)

The complex rig is in a slow animated gif. I thought it may make it easier to see the subtle changes like the twisting of the body and head. Let me know if you'd prefer it another way.

Yep, I'm Dave Rigley on there. I'm just skimming through the site now and getting acquainted with it. I completely forgot I even had an account on Upwork so I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow on some of the ins and outs of using it. If there's any specific info you need or something for me to do for us to connect just let me know.

Hey there,

I'm just double checking everything is okay. You were responding to my messages very quickly and then with my last message I gave you my name on Upwork and I haven't heard from you in a few hours.

No rush, just wanted to be sure I didn't miss something you may have needed or something changed.