I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. As far as I have tried on my Mac PC, I was able to correctly check the project information with command -i
as follows:
Project info: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Spine/examples/4.1/spineboy/spineboy-pro.spine
Spine version: 4.1.17
Dopesheet FPS: 30
Last export output: /Users/<user name>/Desktop/walk.gif
Skeleton: spineboy-pro
Size: 418.45 x 686.2
Bones (35): root, hip, aim-constraint-target, rear-foot-target, rear-leg-target, rear-thigh, rear-shin, rear-foot, back-foot-tip, clipping, torso, torso2, torso3, front-shoulder, front-upper-arm, front-bracer, front-fist, front-foot-target, front-leg-target, front-thigh, front-shin, front-foot, front-foot-tip, back-shoulder, rear-upper-arm, rear-bracer, gun, gun-tip, neck, head, hair1, hair2, hair3, hair4, head-control
Slots (21): clipping, rear-upper-arm, rear-bracer, gun, rear-foot, rear-thigh, rear-shin, neck, torso, front-upper-arm, head, eye, front-thigh, front-foot, front-shin, mouth, goggles, front-bracer, front-fist, head-bb, muzzle-glow
Events (1): footstep
IK constraints (4): front-leg-ik, front-foot-ik, rear-leg-ik, rear-foot-ik
Transform constraints (5): aim-front-arm-transform, aim-head-transform, aim-torso-transform, aim-rear-arm-transform, shoulder
Animations (11): aim, death, hoverboard, idle, idle-turn, jump, portal, run, run-to-idle, shoot, walk
The entire command I have entered on Terminal looks like following:
myMacBook-Pro ~ % /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -i /Users/<user name>/Library/Application\ Support/Spine/examples/4.1/spineboy/spineboy-pro.spine
Could you please try the latest version of Spine and give it a try?