您正在尝试从返回 404 的 URL 加载 .json 和 .atlas 文件。例如
这不存在。 您会在开发控制台和播放器 div 中获得堆栈跟踪,上面写着
“Player.ts:1035 未捕获的错误:错误:无法加载资产。
{"./src/gemma/Gemma_Web.json":"无法加载 JSON ./src/gemma/Gemma_Web.json: 状态 404
You are trying to load the .json and .atlas files from URLs that return 404. E.g.
This does not exist. You get a stack trace in the dev console as well as in the player div that says
"Player.ts:1035 Uncaught Error: Error: Assets could not be loaded.
{"./src/gemma/Gemma_Web.json":"Couldn't load JSON ./src/gemma/Gemma_Web.json: status 404