I've been unable to solve a problem of wrong bone position. Please see the attached 2 images. Dark background image is a Spine editor screenshot, white background is Unity runtime.
Playing attack animation in Unity snaps left leg to weird position as shown in attached image. Result occurs when playing attack animation from both setup pose (none animation), and from other attack animation. Result occurs both when not using mix time, and mix time test ranges .05 - .2f. Expected result when not using mix time = correct leg position.
I've tried replicating the issue in Spine editor preview view in order to test if this somehow is a problem of wrong setup or bone manipulation in animations resulting in a 'shortest path' interpolation issue. I've tested using a setup pose animation, keying all setup bones on all parameters using a 60 frame animation. Playing the setup pose in track 0 and the offending attack animation in track 1 yields expected result: no mix time = snap leg to expected position, and mix time .05-.2f = smooth leg transition from setup pose to attack animation bone position.
What am I missing here? :angry: :think: