Hello everyone!
As a team we are thinking it might be a better option for our project to move away from the Unity 2D Animation package to Spine both for performance and quality concerns. However, I am having difficulty with a very specific problem which wasn't an issue before.
Here is the sorting/masking issue I am having with Spine:
On the left you can see our old setup where characters are sorted and masked both among each other and with the table and chair parts. On the right is the same character imported with Spine. The character can only interact with masks as if it's one piece so the whole character is either in front or behind the tabletop and other parts.
The reason that the table and parts are not inside the Spine rig itself is because the type of tables and characters change dynamically during runtime in our game. Different types of tables are sometime half empty or full with different characters sitting in them randomly. I would also like to use these character in other objects where this type of layering might not be necessary, so exporting characters with premade clipping is also not the best option for me.
If you know how to mask or change the order of specific Spine bones/slots after importing to unity I would love to know. Or if you have other suggestions in order to solve this issue please let me know.
Thanks a bunch in advance!