Sorwidir ha scrittoSo the reason the Skeleton Viewer can see my characters is because it has support to view binary files (.skel)?
Sorwidir ha scrittoAnd once I buy the license, you recommend me to import the characters then export with 4.0?
Yes, then you can 1) use the 4.0 web player, and 2) edit your skeletons in the Spine editor, if you unpack the atlases.
Sorwidir ha scrittoBut if I remember correctly, Misaki had to export the atlas, wont I have to manually assign textures to every part of the character?
There is no manually assigning textures in Spine. Spine uses naming conventions to find image files:
Images - Spine User Guide: Image file lookup
You need individual image files for the Spine editor to show your images. If all you have is an atlas, you need to unpack it:
Texture packing - Spine User Guide: Texture Unpacker
Sorwidir ha scrittoSo with over 100 characters, it will take a long time? Or is this process also possible to "automate" with this CLI you speak of?
You can write scripts to do the steps. For example:
spine -u 3.7.94 -i old-data.skel -o new-project.spine
spine -u 4.0.xx -i new-project.spine -o path/to/output/folder
export binary
This runs 3.7.94, imports a binary file and saves a project file. Then it runs the latest 4.0 and exports the project file, giving you a binary file for each skeleton in the project.
You can also unpack an atlas:
spine -i path/to/atlas/images -o path/to/output/folder
unpack path/to/your-atlas.atlas
Sorwidir ha scrittoI will buy a license nevertheless! Got the money now, so kinda excited.
Great! Welcome to Spine! ๐