Hello Nate
Nate ha scrittoIt would be very time consuming to manually place atlas regions.
I would say that is totally subjective, artists are already spending way more time UVMapping in 3D, rearranging the regions wouldn't be a big deal as long as the images stay bound to the meshes.
Nate ha scrittoBetter to let Spine do it automatically
I would have no problem with that if spine managed to fit everything into a power of 2 canvas, currently it doesn't.
Nate ha scrittoIf your images don't fit in a single atlas page image, I'm not sure how you would still somehow fit them into a single page.
In photoshop, in the same square canvas, they all fit without having to rescale any element, the key part is to rotate some elements and make them fit.
Nate ha scrittoYou can use folders to control which images are placed together on an atlas page image:
While that is useful for multiple characters in the same scene, it is not that great for single characters with a lot of elements, like weapons, clothes, hair etc.
I know what i'm proposing sounds like madness in terms of development on your end, but just as i've proposed the graph editor years ago, i believe it is an essential for videogames development and a proper pipilne. If i would have to use Spine just for video output, i would be fine with it, but 2 atlases for the same model is something most games don't really swallow.
I hope you understand my concerns.